Experience Rosh Hashanah at the Besht

This year for Rosh Hashanah the Besht Center will be holding its tefilos at the Lubavitcher Yeshiva Simcha Hall, located at 570 Crown St. [entrance on Albany Ave.]. Rabbi Shmuel Kuperman will inspire the congregation with his melodies and speeches.

The cost for a reserved seat is $100. To reserve contact Shea at 347-439-8613, or visit www.beshtcenter.org.


  • faygy

    I davened there the last couple of years, and it was very
    comfortable, with a beautiful atmosphere and inspirational
    Dvar Torah’s that were very condusive for davening with
    good kavanah.

  • Sam

    Between you and I, i have been davening at 770 Montgomery street, and I can attest that Rabbi Shmuel Kuperman is worth every dime you have.
    Besides The besht is a really cool place with a nice environment.
    Thank you crownheights.info for raising awareness about this amazing institution.

  • danny

    OMG, i jut spoke to She, he said there are only a few seats left, I am so glad I was able to make a reservation.
    The main reason why i LOVE this shul is because there are no politics there, plus they respect all the community raboniem.