R. Jacobson to Answer Life’s Most Pressing Questions

In response to the great need and demand for applying Chassidus – the inner-soul dimension of Torah – to our personal and emotional lives, the Meaningful Life Center is launching MyLife, a new series of question and answer videos featuring Rabbi Simon Jacobson, addressing anything and everything on your minds and in your hearts—from the perspective of Torah and Chabad Chassidus.

Here is how it will work:

Everyone is invited to submit their questions (anonymously if they wish) about any personal issue they want, to mylife@meaningfullife.com. No questions are off limits. All submissions will be kept absolutely confidential.

After reviewing all the questions, Rabbi Jacobson will then present a live webcast, in which he will reply to each question.

In honor of Yud Shevat, the pilot launch of MyLife will air live on Sunday, Yud Alef Shevat, January 12, 8-9pm EST at The Meaningful Life Center, and will be archived and available afterward to view at your convenience. Any questions left unanswered, as well as future questions submitted, will be addressed in the following episodes of this series.

The MLC urges everyone to participate and not hesitate to present questions and issues that leave you stuck and remain unresolved, or ones that just plague you:

Any question is welcome so don’t hold back from asking about your personal life, married life, addiction, anger, jealousy, forgiveness, depression – no holds barred. Again, you can write anonymously. All submissions will be kept in the strictest of confidence. [If anyone has any personal emergency or private matter that requires individual attention, please contact us  and we will direct you to the proper place.]

We also invite questions about the approach of Chassidus to any given issue. We are confident that Chassidus provides a powerful response or antidote to any subject.

Rabbi Jacobson, acclaimed author, trusted counselor of many, and longtime chozer and maniyach of the Lubavitcher Rebbe’s sichos, will apply his vast knowledge and experience to any issue raised.

MyLife is brought to you by the Meaningful Life Center as a public service, free of charge.

Submit Your Question Here.

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Explaining the timing of this project, Rabbi Jacobson said: “The recent surge of interest and the outpouring of so many hearts and souls, demonstrates the deep thirst people have today for direction coming from Chassidus. The Rebbeim bestowed us with all the answers to our personal dilemmas, as the Alter Rebbe writes in his introduction to Tanya. Yet, with many people hurting today, there is clearly a deep emotional dissonance between these teachings and their life struggles.

“As we stand between Chof Dalet Teves (concluding the bicentennial of the Alter Rebbe’s yahrzeit) and Yud Shevat, what better time is there to create a dialogue between Chassidus and our human condition, by addressing our most pressing challenges with the core ideas of Chassidus.”

“All dysfunctionality, fear and insecurity,” continued Rabbi Jacobson, “is broadly speaking a result of a misalignment between body and soul. The Torah in general and Chassidus in particular is a divine program that teaches us how to align our lives to its true purpose.”

Commenting on the latest controversy, Rabbi Jacobson said: “As in all matters, every individual should consult their trusted Rabbi and mashpia and follow their guidelines. But above all, we learn from the Rebbe to find the positive and constructive in everything. We should see the recent events and passionate response of so many as essentially a wake-up call.  Many people are in pain and are desperately seeking relief and response to their challenges.

“By no means can or should an hour webcast (or even many hours) serve as a comprehensive solution to life challenges. Many issues, especially serious ones, require personal, one-on-one customized intervention. What we want to do is demonstrate the relevance of Chassidus to our personal lives, and to open up a candid conversation about these matters.

“What our initiative is meant to accomplish is to show how the Rebbeim provided us with a comprehensive blueprint of the human psyche as a microcosm of the cosmos, and offered us all the guidance we need to live the healthiest possible life and build nurturing homes and families, bringing up the healthiest possible children, emotionally, psychologically and spiritually.

“After over two centuries of mesiras nefesh of the Rebbeim for Chassidus and Chassidim, the time has come,” declared Rabbi Jacobson, “to reclaim the most precious stone of the crown given to us to both prevent problems and to heal from any that come our way.”

Rabbi Simon Jacobson is the acclaimed author of Toward a Meaningful Life, A Spiritual Guide to Counting the Omer, 60 Days and hundreds of articles capturing the hearts and souls of many with the profound and intimate relevance of Torah and Chassidus to our personal lives and relationships. As long time chozer and maniyach of the Lubavitcher Rebbe’s talks, and trusted counselor of many, Rabbi Jacobson has used his rare combination of a keen and sensitive understanding of the human condition while being firmly grounded in undiluted Chassidus, to applying Chassidus to psycho-spiritual issues, applying Jewish thought to contemporary life, in a voice that is rooted in the timeless teachings of Torah, yet at the same time profoundly timely and relevant, unique and cutting edge.


  • Excellent

    May we all learn from this how to approach our challenges: Dig deeper and discover the treasures of Chassidus given to us.

  • The inreach we need here


    Just listened to the premiere broadcast.

    This promises to be just the boost we need here in our community!

    You should be gebentsht, Rabbi Jacobson!

    I look forward to the future broadcasts.