PSA: The Shluchim Kids Chanuka Photo Contest

MyShliach’s online photo contest will draw together hundreds of pictures of children doing the Rebbe’s shlichus all around the world.

“We know that the Rebbe has much nachas when children are involved in hafotzas hamaayonos,” explains MyShliach director Rabbi Mendy Shanowitz. “This contest will encourage children to capture those moments on camera so we can bring this idea to life in a big way.”

“When people see a visual of the Rebbe’s work, the impact is that much more evident, inspirational, and motivating,” says Rabbi Mendy Kotlarsky, executive director of Merkos Suite 302, the centralized organization that runs MyShliach and other programs. He continues, “Of course, motivating is the key here, that one mitzvah and mivtza should lead to another, as this was the Rebbe’s goal.”

To enter the contest, children must to send in a photo with an explanation of what’s happening in the picture. The contest is open to all yaldei hashluchim and ends gimmel Teves. Prizes include a camera or a gift certificate at Kehos, along with others.

This is in addition to learning a specially prepared sicha during Chanuka.

To enter the contest and for more information, go to