Alternate Side Parking Suspended Thursday, Friday

Alternate side parking (street cleaning) regulations will be suspended Thursday and Friday, September 19-20 for Sukkos. All other regulations, including parking meters, remain in effect.

Update: as several readers pointed out, alternate side parking on parts of Eastern Parkway’s service lane will be in effect on Saturday. Please do not leave your car parked there over Yomtov as you will be unable to move your car before then and you will be ticketed.


  • be aware

    On eastern pkwy, the alt side parking is in effect for saturday. When you park your car today, make sure your car is parked legally for shabbos.

  • reminder

    for all those parked on EP that you will get a ticket on shabbos

    and on monday they will send extra people to give tickets knowing that many people will be late from chold hamoed and not being used to move the car after a few days yom tov