This Tuesday: RCCS Annual Barbecue
The exciting and tasty Rofeh Cholim Cancer Society Flatbush barbecue will grace East 22nd Street and Avenue I, in front of the home of Pinny and Yaffa Rand, on Tuesday, August 6 at 7:00pm, and will benefit cancer-stricken patients in the Flatbush and Crown Heights communities.
In response to the ever-growing numbers of RCCS cancer patients seeking insurance help, the RCCS Flatbush sub-committee has announced that two neighboring communities, Crown Heights and Marine Park, will once again join the effort to make this year’s barbecue the biggest ever.
The annual Flatbush RCCS BBQ has gained the reputation as being the largest and, arguably, most vital barbecue on the community calendar. Delicious entrees, mouth-watering accoutrements, and exciting raffle prizes and entertainment combine for an evening of chessed and inspiration. Wine tasting, a sushi bar, and other delectable delights will add to the festivities. The Mezamrim choral group will provide entertainment, with a special guest star who will join them.
The RCCS will be honoring Mr. Dovid Rogatsky of Crown Heights and Mr. Chaim Deutsch of Flatbush with the Community Service Award.
The Annual event is in Memory of Tziporah Faiga A”H Bas Avrohom Yeudah Gelb.
The evening is dedicated in memory of Baila Fogel (Baila bas Chaim Moshe Aryeh Alter) OBM, and Linda Zeffren (Leah Devorah bas Naftali Hertz) OBM.
Each year, RCCS saves the lives of hundreds of cancer-stricken patients in need by subsidizing their health insurance premiums, thus providing them access to the best possible medical care. RCCS subsidizes insurance policies for over 300 cancer-stricken patients, and provides hundreds more with insurance advocacy, social services, and medical direction.
Make sure to mark off Tuesday evening, August 6, 2013 on your calendar, and help those who need your help in the most extreme form. For more information, call 718 722 2002.
RCCS, a recognized 501(c)3 organization, provides an array of services for cancer-stricken patients in need; primary among them is the subsidizing of health insurance premiums, enabling them to obtain the best possible medical care.
So how much is the “minimum donation required”? Why doesn’t it say?
Not as big a cheapskate as you are
Does it matter? Could it be that high? Do you think you couldn’t afford it?
Why such a negative comment about a worthy organization planning a festive fundraiser? Nothing better to complain about today?
Was a miserable person you must be.
If you’re going to require a minimum donation, you should say up front how much.
How do you know what people can afford? Some people have bigger hasogos than others. What to one person is a purely nominal amount is to another person a significant amount that will make a noticeable dent in his budget, or even an unaffordable amount. You have to specify, so people know what to expect.
the min donation is whatever a person can give