Schach Pickup Information

The Crown Heights JCC has once again arranged with the Forestry division of the NYC Parks Dept. to have all the S’chach picked up. During the next few days, the S’chach will be picked up by the local Sanitation Dept. on the regular garbage pick up days for your block. Please put the S’chach in the area where your regular household garbage is being picked up. If you put your garbage in front of your house, please put your S’chach along the curbside.

The Sanitation Dept. should pick up the schach beginning Thursday, and continue doing so the following few Sanitation pick-up days.

Please have all S’chach bagged or tied up by string.

One Comment

  • m fendel

    Oh its great to get rid of my shche.

    Also elated to back crown heights.

    Good bye Zfatim. Its good to see you go.