Meeting to Reduce Alternate Side Parking for District 8

For those who own a car but not a driveway or garage, Alternate Side Parking regulations can be quite a burden; none more so than in Crown Heights where it happens four times a week (as opposed to the standard two). At last, for those residents living north of Eastern Parkway in NYC District 8, relief may be on its way.

After much effort by Rabbi Yossi Hackner of the CHJCC, Community Board 8 will be hosting a Public Hearing on a proposal to reduce street cleaning days throughout the district to twice a week. If you support this proposal, please come out and let your voice be heard.

The hearing will take place on Tuesday, November 15, at the Hope City Empowerment Center – 650 Washington Avenue near Bergen Street, from 6:30pm to 8:30pm.

For more information, you can contact Community Board 8 at 718-467-5574.


  • North of Eastern Pkwy?

    99% of the community lives south of eastern pkwy… so not sure the accomplishment here…

  • For every action.....

    How about those who oppose? can we come too to voice our opinions? I moved here from a city (yes city, not town or village,) that has no alternate side and is always clean. Here we have it 4 times a week and the place is still a pig sty. If people here like to live like pigs and throw their trash on the floor instead of living like normal people than there is a price you must pay. I’d vote to have alternate side twice a day 7 days a week till people here learn to live like human beings.

  • Common Sense

    To #9

    True, 99% of us are under the jurisdiction of Community Board 9 (NOT 8).

    Thank you Hackner for shelping my our heavy furniture up 5 flits of stairs, BUT you brought it up the wrong side of the building, we live on the other side.

  • Yankell. Jcc

    What about south of eastern pky?
    Tell j Goldstein enough is enough
    With his clean streets

  • dirty new york streets

    yes the streets are not even clean with the 4 day alternate side parking, how much more will it be when its reduced, i know its a paimn in the neck to move the car but cant the city even clean the streets well

  • level headed one

    after reading the above comments, and understanding the frustrations of street cleaning,
    I thus have 2 thoughts in mind.
    1)there are places north of E.P. that have cleaning days on shabbos, meaning that when i park my car after work on fridays, it sometimes takes me 45 min to an hour to find a parking on a day that i dont have that 45 min,
    it is urgant that we think about this, to make it easier for those that do live north of E.P.

    2) to comment # 2 this is NYC it would never work here, too many cars too little parking spots, out of town things are very different, its simple and a no brainer, there you have mostly driveways that dont interfare with street cleaning


  • CH Resident

    I live on a block with twice a week alternate side parking. Maybe it would be okay to reduce it to twice a week where they must move it four times per week. I would not go less than twice a week not only because of cleanliness but just as important too many people would park their cars and even incur tickets just for weekly or even monthly parking. Two time per week should be the absolute minimum

  • shlomo

    this fact and good public transportation it main reason, that i don’t wont own a car. so NYC and USA don’t get my taxes :) who win?

  • Ipcha Mistabra

    I agree with #8.
    I hope Mr. Hackner reads this.
    We in CH live near several subway stations. On Wednesdays, when there is no street cleaning (besides EP), it is difficult to find parking during the day, because of the commuters. Imagine if there were fewer street cleaning days, our neighborhood would become a parking lot. Please keep things the way they are.

  • BLA


  • maybe there is hope

    to #2, my sentiments exactly. Yes some people here are a disgrace to Torah. Cleanliness is next to G-dliness.. that was a motto we heard when we were growing up. It is a true chilul Hashem – the filth in the streets and in the alleys. There is absolutely no reason for this. If people would start frowning upon those who throw trash on the ground it would help, parents and teachers should also teach this basic human behavior, it would certainly make a difference.
    It does not require any skill nor any money and it makes one feel more mentshlach knowing they are contributing to a better schunah.
    We need to instill more Mentshlichkeit and pride it is a win win for everyone!!