Dear Fellow Member of Anash:

I get to travel a lot. Wherever I go, people express their love for our Chabad Shluchim and Shluchos. Just recently, on a trip to Brazil, one businessman said to me “If only I could, I would send every Shliach a million dollars.”

Let’s face it; we can’t cover every Shliach’s budget but we can sure make their personal lives a bit more comfortable.

That’s why I’m writing to you today about Yad L’Shliach. On the first yahrzeit of my father, Rabbi Yaakov Moshe HaKohen Friedman ע"ה who would help Shluchim at every opportunity, my family launched a project to do just that - Help families on Shlichus.

An Open Letter From Avraham Fried

Dear Fellow Member of Anash:

I get to travel a lot. Wherever I go, people express their love for our Chabad Shluchim and Shluchos. Just recently, on a trip to Brazil, one businessman said to me “If only I could, I would send every Shliach a million dollars.”

Let’s face it; we can’t cover every Shliach’s budget but we can sure make their personal lives a bit more comfortable.

That’s why I’m writing to you today about Yad L’Shliach. On the first yahrzeit of my father, Rabbi Yaakov Moshe HaKohen Friedman ע”ה who would help Shluchim at every opportunity, my family launched a project to do just that – Help families on Shlichus.

Here’s how it works: A web site, called has been set up where you can sign up to give donations (preferably recurring) on your credit cards. All money raised is used solely to help Shluchim with their personal needs. Every time the collection reaches $1,000 Yad L’Shliach sends a check in that amount to a different Shliach and Shlucha.

Yad L’Shliach is only eighteen months old, yet it has proven to be a simple but brilliant idea. So far we have had the incredible zechus of sending 138 Shluchim and Shluchos $1,000.00! Most of these funds were collected from the many modest contributions. כל פרוטה ופרוטה מצטרפת לחשבון גדול.

Occasionally Yad L’shliach receives larger gifts, but by and large, it’s the average Lubavitcher that is making this project such an incredible success. And amazingly, a large percentage of the contributions are from the Shluchim themselves who want to help other Shluchim.

This is such a powerful ‘shot in the arm’ to Shluchim, such a precious gift to the Rebbe, and a fitting tribute to my dear father. Every single Shliach says the same thing – they are so touched that someone out there is thinking about them.

I would like to make a personal request to every member of Anash. Please join me in helping the Rebbe’s Shluchim, be it a one-time gift or, preferably a monthly donation.

Please visit today and you’ll be helping Shluchim in no time.

Thank you so much; be Matzliach – let’s bring Moshiach!


P.S. I can almost hear you asking, “If I sign up will Avremel give me his new CD?” The answer is, absolutely. I’ll be delighted to send a personalized CD to anyone who contributes $250 or more!


  • Appreciative Shlicah

    As a beneficiary of Yad L’shliach, I would like to thank the entire Friedman family uberosham Shloime Friedman, who undertook this special project, as well as each and every single one of you who have contributed and will continue to.
    I encourage all of you to contribute to this fund. For me the check could not have come at a better time. It was just after having a baby, with Pesach around the corner and my car’s transmission blowing etc. It is heartwarming and a special feeling to be a part of such a family. This is a practical down to earth way to promote achdus hachasidim and to create a stronger bond between shluchim and the rest of anash, thereby causing the greatest nachas to our meshaleach…
    Yasher Koach

  • Thanks for the present

    We definitely need our shluchim out there and I support this idea with a complete heart.
    But if I can afford to give $250 as a donation, I can afford to buy my own CD.
    I’m not saying I won’t give, but no one will run to give $250 to get a free CD.
    Thanks for helping out our fellow Shluchim.

  • Boruch

    What a great program.

    I;ve heard for several shluchim who received 1,000 dollars for their personal needs. One helped his wife buy a human hair sheitel, one needed money for a plane trip to NY so he could bring his Bas Mitzvah daughter to the Ohel and one, newly married shliach, bought a set of Peasach dishes.

    So, Friedman’s, keep up you good work!

    I’m sure your father a.h. is shepping lot’s of nachas.

  • free CD

    is that only the new CD he’s giving out? I already bought it, would I be able to get a different CD instead?

  • Berel

    Why do people always have to make negative comments when someone does something nice?The cd is just to show appreciation. Kol hakovod,its a beautiful program.

  • ISchier

    Yasher Koiach, Avremel, both for this tremendous chessed work and for "Bein Kach Uvein Kach!"

  • af fan

    "I’ll be delighted to send a p e r s o n a l i z e d CD "

    its not an ordinary CD, this one is p e r s o n a l i z e d!!

  • a Shliach

    Wow!!!! Great work Avremel, Shloime, etc..

    and to the negative sour faces out there: turn that frown upside down! it’s a *personalized* CD! Take it as a personal thank you card from Avremel ("yeah but why would give $250 for a thank you card when I can get one on Kingston for 50 cents"… sounds pathetic, no?)

    Kol Hakavod to the Friedmans.

  • Thanks for the present wrote:

    Berel, if the CD is just to show appreciation, does that mean anything less then $250 is not appreciated? I understand that it’s better to give more. But it sounded as if anything under $250 isn’t worth anything.

  • a shaliach

    you cant imagine the feeling when you get the envelope in the mail

    keep up the great work

  • Noch a Commenter

    The CD is autographed, people! How much is Avremel’s signature worth to you?

    The program is takeh a beautiful thing. In the [paraphrased] words of Shimshon Stock, "Pull out your wallet, take out a dollar, and give Yad L’Shliach the rest!"

  • Ein Mishpocho

    I think Yad L’Shliach is phenomenal. Every Anash Chossid is able to be mishtateif in the Rebbe’s Holy Shlichus.
    But I think it is also a wake up call to the Shluchim, that they need the input of Anash and their "I art holier than thou" attitude has no place in Lubavitch.
    Bein kach ubein kach – what’s good for the goose, is good for the gander.
    Chasidim should be inclusive, not exclusive.

  • curious

    who is the one distributing the funds?how is it decided which shliach gets the help

  • A Big Fried Fan

    B’zu Hasho’oh I would like to say "shliach don’t cry" "bein kach (personalized CD) ubein kach (no CD) my donation is on its way. nu nu nu .. is yours?
    zeit matzliach un braing Moshiach ;)

  • to all who want a FREE CD

    I see that most of you are MISSING THE POINT. Avremel ISNT selling his CD here for $250.00, everyone who knows him knows that he has more class than that. He is simply giving his personal little token of appriciation to all thos that want to have the Z’Chus to help out a fellow Shliach.

  • someone

    4 everyone that had a negativve comment….
    this is an amazing thing!
    and the cd is just a nice extra (and a push 2 maybe give a little more…)
    why do some people always need 2 find the faults and problems in EVERYHTING, even such an amazing thing as this??????
    try 2 think when was the last time U ran such a nice program?

  • Shliach

    I think what you’re doing is great! I’m a shliach that can use $1000. Is there a system to how and to whom the money is distributed?

  • yossi

    hi for those. your not buying a cd for $250 im sure its just somthing to say thank you. please if you want to give just give dont make a big deal out of everything THANK YOU

  • koll hakavod

    why make a big deal out of a free cd , although its very nice he offered one .
    kol hakavod friedmans , you should go from strengh to strength , kol hakavod to all the shluchim aswell

  • So cute

    Keep up the good work. The CD matter is very cute. PERSONALIZED! WOW> Is it his HANDWRITTEN signature?!? What an Honor.

  • To those asking:

    Shlome Friedman is in charge of distributing the funds. EVERY SINGLE PENNY donated goes to the Shluchim. All a Shliach has to do is sign up, and his name gets on a list- first come, first serve, unless someone needs it quicker, or for something specific. Sign up to give or get at

  • not the point

    the point is not the CD it is just a nice token of apprciation that he does not have to do there does not have to be a phisical award for giving tzedakka

  • Avi

    people lets be menschlach. I am sure Avraham needed some convincing to make a public appeal.

    When he writes ‘sometimes the fund receives larger donation’… I think he is talking about himself. If finally he asks YOU for something (ask Rabbi Leider how much he does for others) and for the family of shluchim, we should respond in kind.

    Lubavitch is proud of you Avraham.

  • Zelig

    If u are just doing it or think it is not right, dont donate $250 or at all. It is just an insentive for people to donate.

  • Crown st

    The best thing you can do is put 5,10,18 25 dollars a month on your credit card.
    that way you are part of this mitzva and you see it on your card.
    I do 18 a month…

  • Chaya

    Beautiful program…one question though: If its been around for a while already, how come very few people knew abt it?

  • yaashir koach

    138 bgimtria MENACHEM=HATZLACHA…zeit MATLIACH brengt MOSHIACH NOW!!! a most fitting project in honor of the KOHEN ISH CHESED yaakov moshe hakohen friedman Z*L T>N>Z>B>H>.

  • Thank You

    Go freidmans!!! an awesome project – keep it up!!! my brother in law was touched by this and i know how much it meant to him!!! Thank you 4 making such an amazingg organization!

  • fp

    this is a good cause to give to but not on this site if you do it for them you have to give all others a turn to write about there causes there are alot of people who need help and ifcyou do it for one you have to do for all or is Rabbi fried getting special rights?

  • c h resident

    i really think this is a very nice idea .however i would like to piont out something
    this is a crownhights website and pepole are forgetting that we have lots of poor family’s in crownhights to sport. and the school’s know that pepole would rather help a shlicha somewhere out there then help there own needy school and naghbor so they have a attude that pepole dont pay tution so lets be mean to them and schlep
    lets take a moment and thing about how many pepole dont have what to eat in crownhights and look at most shlochim that are living in very nice houses have nice cars wher crown hights pepole have a 2 bedroom w/10 kids etc.can’t aford to send ther kids to camp etc. where evey one is worried about some one out ther look in you own nigberhood

  • ben shliach

    "And amazingly, a large percentage of the contributions are from the Shluchim themselves who want to help other Shluchim. "

    I Just wanted to repeat that.

  • Great Job

    Rabbi Freidman is doing an AMAZING program and he is helping shluchim and i’m sure there are other funds that help poor families in CH. Shluchim need help and families in crown heights do but there needs to be a seder-who is doing what.
    I’m sure he gives to the Shluchim that need the money and not just to any.

  • fried in my blood

    it is the old avraham fried. the one with the avraham fried soul. the newer songs dont have soul. we want the Tatenu, the Aderabe. we miss you.

  • another CHer

    to CH resident
    It’s true that there are many in CH that need the money as much or more than SOME shluchim. There are SOME shluchim that bli ayin hora have more gashmius than others, and many CH’ers that have more than others.
    But I do know some shluchim that may not have a phone this week because they didnt have money to pay the bill.
    There are all extremes and in between both in CH and out. We should all be helping wherever we can. Because there is a program to help shluchim, dont be jealous, do a similar program for in towners.
    I have personally just stepped into the grocery, or other store and put some cash on a neighbors bill, anonymously. There doesnt have to be a PROGRAM to help another Jew, just do it!!

  • other CHer

    i agree w/ CHer
    ps. theres jews all over the world that need help not only ch !
    lets all try to help and support each other !