PSA: Even More Produce Being Distributed – NOW!

Beginning now, 6:00pm, a truck is unloading many skids with fresh Onions and Potatos which is being distributed for free for all those who want. The produce is being distributed on East New York Avenue between Kingston and Brooklyn. There is no need to be on any lists, just come and take.

The distribution is being done l’zchus Refoel Chaim ben Chana, in coordination with Crown Heights Shomrim.

This is the third year Shomrim has arranged such a distribution for the sole purpose of easing the burden of celebrating Yom Tov.


  • avrohom

    You guys have no idea how to give Tzedaka. Come to England you will see how Tzedaka is given in the most Mechubadik way. Basiccaly you have to be very desperate to come out to a public area, so the whole world can see you, pick up bags of free produce and walk away.
    That is one thing in England we know how to do right.