For the first time ever Rabbi Manis Friedman and Rabbi Yossi Palteil will come together to adress the needs of our growing young community. How does one find inspiration in a post Gimmel Tamuz era? How does one make the Rebbes message resonate within the realities of todays world? Can one feel Lubavitch if they are not going out on shlichus?

Is There Life in Lubavitch Outside of Shlichus?

For the first time ever Rabbi Manis Friedman and Rabbi Yossi Palteil will come together to adress the needs of our growing young community. How does one find inspiration in a post Gimmel Tamuz era? How does one make the Rebbes message resonate within the realities of todays world? Can one feel Lubavitch if they are not going out on shlichus?

These questions and any other question that are on your mind will be adressed this Tuesday night at Bais Menachem Nachum 438 crown st at 7:30 pm $5.00, men only.

This event is brought you by the Besht Center


  • moshe der g

    the real question is

    why are we teaching our children about going on shlichus when there aint no jobs for them to go on. (unless your family has some territory for you) the chances today are what ? 1 in 100 ?

    the title should be “shlichus today do you have a chance?”

  • shlichus

    AFAIK, every jew is a sliach
    you mean, to own a chabad house or to get a salary?
    Your life is shlichus whathever you do

  • About time

    It is about time this is recognized by us as an ongoing problem.

    Even Rabbi Kotlarsky mentioned the Shlichus problem today by the conference so the problem is definitely there and the yeshivas need to smell the coffee and stop making it the goal b/c it is an unachievable one.

  • Devorah

    Personally, I consider every single Lubavitcher a shliach of the Rebbe. So what you don’t have a Chabad House? You are a shliach in everything you do–its just as important, and even more important than having the title of “Shliach!!!”

  • Abba

    We need to speak to the head shluchim like Rabbi Teldon in Long Island and Rabbi Velvel Butman in Westchester to please open some new places. Hatzlocha

  • Fed up.

    Let me understand here:
    The problem in Lubavitch today is with those who want to go on shlichus and can’t? And so then what is their identity?
    So they are in the system and well adjusted there, but if they don’t go on shlichus they have a “Who/what am I?” problem?

    Then what about those who aren’t going or fitting into the system at sll (yes, barmitzvah kids dropping out)? Is it possible that the current “definition” of Lubavitch is not for them?
    And if this is so; all the above; does that mean there are shluchim going out who have no real perception of themselves as chassidim (not defined = not perceived) – because the problem is with those who can’t get a seat on the train. Otherwise all are equal (in ignorance)? Those with a seat and those without a seat?

    Seems to me to be another “band-aid” solution to a malaise that no-one (virtually) is prepared to diagnose (but most have a gut feeling of, on this 16th yahrtzeit).

    Rabboysay, be bold.
    Gather a group (10, 20, 50…) who are prepared to look with open eyes – with no pre-conditioned ideological agenda – serious people who are prepared to discuss and think about everything except one thing: Ein oyd milvadoy. Amazing where you can go once you admit that anything gashmi is “hoveh venifsad” (temporary existence) in the presence of the all present – WHO doesn’t need advice from Lubavitcher chassidim (many of dubious agenda) as to how and when to run this world. Nor is he subject to deliver “entitlements” to nanny-chassidim who cannot face the reality of the “invisible” elephant in the room.
    Either you believe he has total control – or your kids will fall by the wayside.
    Who knows, maybe tonight someone will present a chassidus that doesn’t evoke the wailing for entitlement of a victimized (self perceived victims) group.
    Who knows, maybe a fresh face in form of the 3rd Rov will give spiritual substance to the “revival” of positive movement in the shchunah.

  • shlichus is a very important but...

    If you’re a shliach your a lubavitcher and if your a business man you are also a lubavitcher, and also can be a chassidisher family. it’s not that if your a business man you can get as modern as you want. There is a whole world of chassidus outside of shlichus.
    i dont like the prejudiced feeling of shluchim feeling superior to us. were all chassidim of the rebbe doing our part to bring moshiach…