Thousands of children from schools worldwide will unite for a LIVE Chanukah children’s rally Wednesday the 5th day of Chanukah 2:15 pm EST. Join by logging onto

Tzivos Hashem Chanukah Web Rally!

Thousands of children from schools worldwide will unite for a LIVE Chanukah children’s rally Wednesday the 5th day of Chanukah 2:15 pm EST. Join by logging onto

The Program includes:
• Pessukim recited by children around the world
• Chaim Fogelman in concert
• Rank Promotions
• The Rebbes Sicha
• Surprise Puppet Show

For more info please call Tzivos Hashem at 718-907-8884.

Chayolei Tzivos Hashem is project of Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky of Merkos L’Inyonei Chinuch, Rabbi Yerachmiel Bejaminson of Tzivos Hashem and developed in partnership with Rabbi Shaya Smetana of