Illustration Photo.

CROWN HEIGHTS, Brooklyn [CHI] — There will be a distribution of non-perishable goods, such as flour and canned goods, for the community on Sunday starting at 1:00pm in the parking lot of Beis Rivka on Montgomery Street between Nostrand and New York Avenues. As they have done Erev Pesach, Shomrim is involved once again in making this happen.

Shomrim to Distribute Non-Perishable Goods

Illustration Photo.

CROWN HEIGHTS, Brooklyn [CHI] — There will be a distribution of non-perishable goods, such as flour and canned goods, for the community on Sunday starting at 1:00pm in the parking lot of Beis Rivka on Montgomery Street between Nostrand and New York Avenues. As they have done Erev Pesach, Shomrim is involved once again in making this happen.

Everyone is invited to come and take, the items will be unloaded in the lot and is available on a first come first serve basis with no questions asked.


  • nice job!

    Who should be thanked for donating all these goodies? Shomrim is distributing it, which is smart, but who actually obtained the stuff?

    I think this is a wonderful thing. There are too many hungry people in our community & yes, I know you guys won’t turn anyone away, regardless of “ethnic background”.

  • Gut Shabbos

    Good for you; no questions asked.
    Thats how it should be done.

    Whoever thought of this really Cares about the people of this community who are quietly and anxiously struggling and are overwhelmed by basic bills and the demands of our lifestyle.

    Thank you!!!

  • no justice!

    How can they do this, who gives them the right, who elected them
    to do good things?
    Only people who get voted in to Vaad Hakoule sould be allowed to do good things!

    It’s A FACT!

  • what we need

    This is what we need individuals taking upon themselves to help this community not power hungry people

  • Thanks

    Thank you to whoever is sponsoring this beautiful act of kindness.

  • Thank you so much.

    However, I beg you to please not forget about those who need it most; our melamdim, teachers at our neighborhood schools who are not only under paid, but are also behind in pay and many of whom are struggling terribly.


    A Parent

  • menachem

    this is a great example of chesed any one welcome shomrim keep up the good work the comunity is behind you

  • m b

    thank you to Bnai Raphael Cheded Org and Shomrim for helpin myself and other member os the community. its truly a chesed to be able to get what you need to help your family when financial crisis hits and there is no one to turn to

    thanks again to everyong involved