Rabbi Anchelle Perl, Director of Chabad of Mineola, NY is suggesting practical ways fight the swine flu, following the first death in the US. One suggestion, is to make a spiritual vessel for good health, as the Rebbe instructed. Another is a prayer for protection for good health, from the ChiDA-Rabbi Chaim Joseph David Azulai.

Abi Gezunt! Compiled Practical Suggestions and Prayers

Rabbi Anchelle Perl, Director of Chabad of Mineola, NY is suggesting practical ways fight the swine flu, following the first death in the US. One suggestion, is to make a spiritual vessel for good health, as the Rebbe instructed. Another is a prayer for protection for good health, from the ChiDA-Rabbi Chaim Joseph David Azulai.

The Rebbe Says:

…One of the best ways to receive additional blessings from G-d is by doing a fellow Jew a favor, either materially or spiritually; just as one can always find an individual who is in need of material Tzedakah, the same is true regarding doing s spiritual favor.

The more one occupies himself in this matter, the more one derives personal satisfaction from one’s labors. [And] all this is in addition to performing a mitzvah of the torah, namely, the commandment to “Love your fellow as yourself,” concerning which Rabbi Akiva states: “This is a primary principle of the torah,” – something that draws down additional blessings from G-d.

Such conduct has a direct or [at least an] indirect effect on the improvement of one’s health, as well as in more accurately assessing all that is happening to oneself and around him. …

(Igros Kodesh, Vol, XVIII, p.138)

The ChiDA’s Prayer for Health


  • Not too smart

    If Rabbi Pearl provided that picture even as a joke then I think his hat is on to tight.

    Not a smart PR in my opinion.

  • dmbtzh

    Prayer is what I term a force multiplier — it intensifies your direct action to address a situation. Praying for good health is fine, but unless you practice good hygiene, keep your vaccinations up to date, etc., you intrinsically limit the benefit of your prayers

  • Boruch N. Hoffinger

    Very important and serious article, todah!
    To: ‘Not too smart wrote:’
    Yes, you’re ‘not too smart.’
    Why not say something complimentary, instead of some ‘narishkeit’ about a serious subject?
    Is this the way of The Rebbe, MH”M?
    Gezunt to all!
    Boruch Hoffinger

  • rabbi perl fan

    to: not too smart.

    u r not smart at all. most pics r stock photos and have nothing to do with authors article.

    good work rabbi perl!

  • SOAP

    All Schools and parents should make sure children wash their hands with soap. I am surprised that our schools did not say anything to the children. Its going to look bad if a jewish person gets “Swine” flew.LOL

  • To Pearl fan

    OK whoever picked that photo should explain who it is and what it has to do with the article.

    To me it looks like it is making fun of the flu scare.