The third annual Shiurim Directory is now available online by clicking here. Browse through the Shiurim that are available in Crown Heights, the Maggidei Shiur, and the dates, times and locations that they take place.
Click here to download the Directory (Adobe PDF).
New Comprehensive Listing of Year-Round Shiurim
The third annual Shiurim Directory is now available online by clicking here. Browse through the Shiurim that are available in Crown Heights, the Maggidei Shiur, and the dates, times and locations that they take place.
Click here to download the Directory (Adobe PDF).
The 5769 Directory is the first that is presented in a year-round format, which covers Shiurim during all seasons and interesting events that will take place throught the year.
To receive your own copy, contact Yagdil Torah by clicking here or stop by the Yagdil Torah office.
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