Pictures, videos, YouTUBE, facebook and flickr, and Drudge, we live in a technology age where after taking a picture we rush to post it on Picasa and our family blogs and share it with friends and family. We expect to read our news a minute before it happened!

Comes summer and we send off our children to overnight camp and we relax in our homes and bungalow colony’s, but we must keep in touch and constantly updated about our kids that are so far away in camp! So most camps run their own websites where they post pictures, some even have live webcams.

We compiled a list of camps and have added them to the left hand side of the site right in between Leasing Directs monthly deal on a car leases and Kehot’s book of the week, for your convenience. If we missed out on any camps please feel free to email us at and tell us! We will add it!

Camp Websites – A New Summer Sidebar Feature on CHI

Pictures, videos, YouTUBE, facebook and flickr, and Drudge, we live in a technology age where after taking a picture we rush to post it on Picasa and our family blogs and share it with friends and family. We expect to read our news a minute before it happened!

Comes summer and we send off our children to overnight camp and we relax in our homes and bungalow colony’s, but we must keep in touch and constantly updated about our kids that are so far away in camp! So most camps run their own websites where they post pictures, some even have live webcams.

We compiled a list of camps and have added them to the left hand side of the site right in between Leasing Directs monthly deal on a car leases and Kehot’s book of the week, for your convenience. If we missed out on any camps please feel free to email us at and tell us! We will add it!