The fast begins tonight at 4:01am and ends at 8:53pm (These times are for the NY area)
Tammuz 17 is a fast day, devoted to mourning the breaching of Jerusalem's walls and the other tragic events that occurred on this day and repenting and rectifying their causes. We refrain from all food and drink from “daybreak” (about an hour before sunrise, depending on location) until nightfall. Special prayers and Torah readings are added to the day's services. Calender (Set your location by Zip Code to get your fast times)
Tammuz 17 is a fast day, devoted to mourning the breaching of Jerusalem's walls and the other tragic events that occurred on this day and repenting and rectifying their causes. We refrain from all food and drink from “daybreak” (about an hour before sunrise, depending on location) until nightfall. Special prayers and Torah readings are added to the day's services. Calender (Set your location by Zip Code to get your fast times)
The Fast of Shivaa Asar BeTamuz
The fast begins tonight at 4:01am and ends at 8:53pm (These times are for the NY area)
Tammuz 17 is a fast day, devoted to mourning the breaching of Jerusalem’s walls and the other tragic events that occurred on this day and repenting and rectifying their causes. We refrain from all food and drink from “daybreak” (about an hour before sunrise, depending on location) until nightfall. Special prayers and Torah readings are added to the day’s services. Calender (Set your location by Zip Code to get your fast times)
In most calendars it says 3:46