Parsha Shiur by Rabbi Jacobson Tonight

Today, Wednesday, Chof Ches Adar Rishon, there will be a Shiur with Rabbi Yossi Jacobson which will be broadcast live over the Internet, on this weeks Parsha.

Click here to watch this weeks Shiur LIVE at 10 PM.

Or you can call 1-218-936-1600 Access code: 437541

On behalf of the thousands of viewers and listeners who have participated in past shiurim we would like to thank Rabbi Jacobson for allowing this shiur to happen!

The Weekly Learning Group

Questions or Comments:

This shiur is Lizchus: Chana bas Rasha Zelda, Mordechai Gershon ben Malya Rochel, Brocha Rivka bas Esther Yehudis, Ariel Leib ben Nechma, Alter Aharon Shmuel ben Etel, May they all have full and complete recoveries speedily in our days! Now!


  • ...

    that wsa my 1st time listening and it was very inspiring! thank you rabbi jacobson for your beautiful words!

  • batya ibroci

    anyone else had trouble
    with the phone?
    all i got was a busy signal ;(