Photo Gallery: Spontaneous Farbrengen in 770

CROWN HEIGHTS, Brooklyn [CHI] — Following the wedding of Mendy Weg and Itty Kalmanson, Bochurim and Shluchim who came in to Crown Heights moved on to 770, where they sat down for a Farbrengen which went on into the wee hours of the morning.

More pictures in the Extended Article!


  • bochur who wants to see chasidim farbing

    wow a real didan notzach mimenom yiru vikain yassu may thear bee farbrengens withh all of the shiluchim and rosh yeshivos and gr8 chasidim

  • yankel

    Very well! thanks for sharing what really happened.
    The other hebrew sites were advertizing the chasunah and the farbrengen in 770 as if the chasuna was made to celebrate didan notzach which obviously that was not what happening, just many bochurim and shluchim being mesameach the chosson!

  • Huh?

    Who are Mendy Weg and Itty Kalmanson?

    Also, were the lights off as it appears from the photos? And, if so, why?

  • bentche

    mendy weg works for mekos/jli and the lights were out bipashtus cause the ppl. in charge of the lights werent to fond of this particular farbrengen happening

  • Dovid K.

    the light were out because they go out every night at 12:00.
    Don’t try to make everything politics…

  • Lights off

    Just get this clear the lights go off every night automatically. As long as the gaboim(Lipskar etc) are paying the bills the lights go off at midnight.