Ohr Menachem Siyum Horambam & Avos U’Banim

A unique and unforgettable event took place this past Motzei Shabbos at ULY hall. Cheder Ohr Menachem in Crown Heights gathered together for a cheder-wide Siyum Horambam and Avos U’Banim event.

The evening began with a beautiful Melave Malka, complete with a delicious meal and side refreshments. Following 45 minutes of learning, Menahel Rabbi Menachem Mendel Yusewitz shared inspiring words, drawing from the weekly parsha.

Rabbi Yossef Y. Braun , a parent and esteemed Rav of our Shchuna was honored with making the official siyum on all 14 seforim of the Rambam – the entire Torah Shbaal Peh. “Sisu V’simchu Bsimchas Torah” was joyously sung after which Rabbi Menachem Mendel Hakohen Hendel was then honored with beginning the new cycle of Rambam.

The assembly watched a captivating video of the Rebbe’s Siyum on Rambam, offering a unique perspective from a child’s point of view. Vice Principal Rabbi Yosef Oberlander then called upon the newly promoted officers in Tzivos Hashem to lead the 12 pesukim and receive their new rank cards and plaques.

The evening concluded with exciting raffles, prizes, and lively Adar dancing, as fathers and sons danced hand in hand.

Special thanks to the organizers, Rabbi Avraham Reinitz and the hanhala, as well as 7th-grade Rebbie Rabbi Chanoch Hecht, for their tireless efforts in making this unforgettable evening a reality.

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