Week one at Camp Lman Achai
The excitement started with a bang at Camp L’man Achai.
The staff arrived a few days before the campers did. They spent the time getting to know one another, and went through rigorous staff training in a fun, exciting and meaningful way. The training included on how to deal with children, and providing campers with a fun, healthy and safe summer, as well as how to have healthy conversations with campers.
On Monday excited campers from over 20 States and five countries arrived. Returning campers were thrilled to reunite with friends and staff, and new campers were eager to join the excitement. The next day started with sports, swimming which included the amazing slide, and kayaking, which truly put smiles on the camper’s faces.
On Wednesday the campers went on a two-and-a-half-mile nature hike down the through the mountains in camp’s forest. This was a great opportunity for the staff and campers to bond and create real connections that will last for a lifetime.
On Thursday we celebrated a grand Bar Mitzvah! The joy and excitement was amazing. One of the Bar mitzvah boys read from the Torah with his Rabbi helping him by his side. Parents and siblings came to join in the celebration.
The Bar Mitzvah boy thanked his learning teacher from the previous summer, who taught him Aleph Beis. You see when Greg came to camp last summer, he didn’t know how to read at all. What’s unique about this is that his learning teacher was in the same position just a couple of years ago. He was also 13 when he came to camp, and learned how to read Aleph Beis at camp. Now he has finished a year of Shlichus after learning in Oholei Torah. Everyone involved in camp had real Nachas. Following the celebration we had DJ Shatz for amazing dance night! The energy and spirit was incredible, especially when the camp theme songs were played.
On Friday, getting into the Shabbos spirit, every camper got to make their own Chalah. The singing, Farbrangens, and camp spirit on Shabbos, was the highlight of the week for many campers. TBH (Torah by heart) is a big part of Shabbos day in camp. The first week of camp almost all campers were involved which was outstanding.
Week two started with the teens division trip. They stayed at the suffield Mesivta were they got a taste of yeshiva experience, which included a Q&A session with Rabbi Yaffe. They then enjoyed supper, followed by swimming and sports.
The next morning they were joined by the main camp at Six Flags New England. While at the park they sang songs with Jewish pride and made sure to ask the passersby to wrap Tefilin.
What an exciting start but it’s just the beginning it’s an awesome summer at camp Lman Achai!