Capturing the Magic of Kedusha and Ruchniyus: Cheder Ohr Menachem’s Pre1Alef Talmidim’s Pure Tefillos
In an unforgettable experience, the Pre1Alef students of Cheder Ohr Menachem donned their Bigdei Shabbos attire and gathered in Beis Rabbeinu (770) to recite their first tefilla in the sacred space of ‘Gan Eden Ho’Elyon’, just outside the Rebbe’s holy room.
As they received their personalized Siddurim in Gan Eden Hatachton, their Mechanchim offered heartfelt prayers to Hashem, beseeching that their Tefillos be accepted and that they grow into devoted Chassidishe ‘Ovdei Hashem’.
Steeped in the rich history of the place, the Talmidim sat on the very benches where chassidim once prepared for Yechidus, seeking guidance in their service of Hashem. The electrifying atmosphere is palpable in the captured images, sure to inspire a Hirhur Teshuva (a moment of repentance and reflection).
After kissing the Mezuza of the Rebbe’s room and holding the ‘Klyame’, the celebration continued with a joyous Rikud in the main shul, a tradition reminiscent of the joy that followed Yechidus. These magical moments of kedusha and ruchniyus will be etched in the hearts of the Talmidim forever.