Darchai Menachem Hosts Second Annual Shabbaton in Bushkill, Pennsylvania

Yeshivas Darchai Menachem has always strived to pamper their teachers and go the extra mile to ensure they feel appreciated, extending this care to their families as well.

This past weekend, the serene town of Bushkill, Pennsylvania, played host to Darchai Menachem’s second annual Shabbaton, a truly memorable and enriching experience for all attendees. Over 35 families, comprising the dedicated teachers, their spouses, and children gathered for a weekend filled with inspiration, learning, and “Sheves Achim Gam Yachad”.

The Shabbaton featured a full program designed to offer both Chassidishe inspiration and relaxation for all participants. One of the highlights was the presence of Rabbi Zalman Shneur from the Menachem Education Foundation, who led an uplifting farbrengen that emphasized the deep sense of community and shared purpose among those in Chinuch.

The children enjoyed the fun opportunity to spend quality time with their peers, forging new friendships and enjoying a variety of engaging camp-like activities. Meanwhile, the wives of the teachers had the chance to participate in insightful shiurim, creating a supportive environment where they could share their experiences as critical supporters of Chinuch. The large Shabbos meals featured delicious food and a warm, welcoming atmosphere where the Darchai faculty families enjoyed Niggunim, connections, and meaningful conversations. 

As the Shabbaton came to a close, everyone left feeling deeply appreciated and empowered, ready to return to their roles with renewed vigor and dedication. The weekend served as a powerful reminder of the critical impact that the teachers of Darchai Menachem have on their students and the importance of taking time to recharge and reconnect with one another.

Darchai Menachem looks forward to many more such gatherings in the future, continually fostering an environment of growth, connection, and unwavering commitment to education and community.

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