Farbrengens And Seudahs Take Place Throughout Oholei Torah’s Many Divisions In Honor Of Yud Tes Kislev

Oholei Torah Talmidim celebrated Yud Tes Kislev and the release of the Alter Rebbe, with singing, dancing, learning, and Achdus.

Led by Mrs. Rishi Bendet and Miss Mushky Sanowicz, the Oholei Torah Kindergarten, located at two sites, gathered for farbrengens that included singing, dancing, and themed food crafts. A blow-up horse and child-sized wagon brought the story of Yud Tes Kislev to life. 

In grades Pre1A through second grade, Rabbi Meir Shimshoni led a farbrengen for the Talmidim, that included live music and niggunim with Rabbi Yossi Goldstein, raffles, and an animated storytime about Yud Tes Kislev with Shmuli Zalmanov.

Talmidim of grades three through five started off the day by davening together and singing Padah B’shalom. During the farbrengen in the afternoon where the entire division gathered b’achdus, Rabbi Yossi Evers launched a brand new Mivtza, encouraging the Talmidim to learn twelve perakim of Tanya Baal Peh before their Bar Mitzvah, k’minhag Chassidim. The Talmidim sang and danced, and heard from guest speaker Rabbi Dovber Blau about the importance of learning Tanya in honor of the Rosh Hashana L’chassidus.

In advance of Yud Tes Kislev and led by Rabbi Yehoshua Lustig and Rabbi Yoni Lefkowicz, grades six and seven participated in a comprehensive Hachana, filled with Hachlatah missions such as being more careful with Neggel Vasser, Krias Shema, and Chitas, as well as a large emphasis on Tanya Baal Peh.

On Sunday, 20 Kislev, the entire sixth and seventh grade division gathered in Yeshiva for a morning Chassidus Shiur on Tanya Perek Lamed Beis with Rabbi Ephraim Mintz. The program continued with a Chassidishe farbrengen and Seudah with guest speaker, Rabbi Zalman Glick. The Talmidim sang Daled Bavos and raffles took place to encourage the students. 

Rabbi Chaim Yisroel Wilhelm of the eighth grade Mechina division coordinated for the Talmidim to join a special Chassidus shiur in 770 and daven with the Rebbe’s Minyan, followed by a farbrengen on the Mechina campus.

Oholei Torah Mesivta celebrated the Yom Tov with an uplifting father-son Melaveh Malka.

In addition to the multitude of events that took place in Yeshiva, on Motzei Shabbos, many grades gathered for Melave Malkas and special programs to commemorate Yud Tes and Chaf Kislev.