Oholei Torah, A Show of Tribute and Gratitude
Last week Tuesday, 19th of Elul, over 700 people gathered for an evening of inspiration and gratitude at Oholei Torah’s Annual Dinner. They came in a show of support for Oholei Torah and to pay tribute to its Executive Director Rabbi Yosef Chaim Rosenfeld on his first yahrzeit and his wife Malka Raizel Rosenfeld ע”ה.
As guests entered the main foyer, portraits-pictures were taken against a backdrop of a most impressive decorated showcase of “Champions Trophies”. This select group of over 80 people generously donated in support of Rabbi Rosenfeld’s Legacy, Oholei Torah, were honored as “Champions of Rabbi Rosenfeld” and received custom-made glass art awards.
After an elegant smorgasbord in the Heichal Shmuel Hall, the guests were ushered into the Ballrooms of Oholei Torah, packing the ballroom from wall to wall for a sit down Dinner and program.
The dinner program was emceed by Rabbi Nosson Blumes, Director of Development. Rabbi Blumes worked closely with Rabbi Rosenfeld for close to 30 years.
The Rebbe’s letter was read by Rabbi Yisrael Rosenfeld, shliach in Melbourne Australia. The actual letter was written exactly 65 years ago – to the day – speaking of the Rebbe’s brochos to Oholei Torah to continuously expand. This was something that Rabbi Rosenfeld dedicated his life to.
A dvar torah was read by 8th Grade student, Mendel Grossbaum, and was connected with his Zeidy, Rabbi Rosenfeld.
There was a wonderful sense of unity with the hundreds of guests gathered together out of respect for Rabbi Rosenfeld. The warmth and unity in the room was palpable.
The program consisted of a 3-part video series, in which a spectrum of people were interviewed. It was extremely interesting to note that each speaker saw Rabbi Rosenfeld in a different light. Hearing their memories intertwined throughout the video was a poignant reminder of Rabbi Rosenfeld’s sincerity, his many accomplishments and the magnitude of people he touched.
A Dinner Journal of articles, advertisements and greetings of over 270 pages was distributed to the guests and also available online.
The finale of the evening was when Rabbis Shmuel Brook and Yankel Pinson, Board members of Oholei Torah presented a special award to each of Rosenfeld siblings, as a show to gratitude for their fortitude of years, allowing both their parents to be involved with Chinuch and the evolution of Oholei Torah.
Rabbi Blumes made a call to continue Rabbi Rosenfeld’s legacy of expansion and growth and announced that the Dinner website dinner.oholeitorah.com would remain open to accept new champions and allow those who wish to still participate, to do so.
At the end of the memorable evening, the guests exited the newly dedicated foyer and plaque which was dedicated in the Rosenfeld’s memory by the Siegel – Shapolsky Family, longtime friends and supporters of Oholei Torah spanning 3 generations.
To view the online Journal and the Dinner video presentations you can visit dinner.oholeitorah.com.
Photography by Meir Pliskin