Oholei Torah Mechina Talmidim Tested in Boro Park by Hagaon Harav Gavriel Zinner

In the footsteps of the 29-year tradition initiated in the Mesivta Oholei Torah by their Menahel, Rabbi Zushe Wilhelm, a”h, 35 talmidim of the Mechina Oholei Torah undertook to learn the entire Gemara Makkos ba’al peh and were tested on it yesterday by the renowned halachic authority, Hagaon Harav Gavriel Zinner, of Boro Park.

Throughout the year, the Mechina students learned Gemara Makkos as part of their curriculum, but it was by their own initiative that they took upon themselves to learn it ba’al peh and be tested on it, daf by daf, by their teachers. Today, this meaningful project culminated as these bochurim were tested on the whole Mesecha b’vas achas – all at one time – by Hagaon Harav Gavriel Zinner. B”H they excelled in their knowledge and Rabbi Zinner was very impressed by them. Rabbi Zinner stressed what a great and beautiful peula this is and what an incredible iluy neshama it is for Rabbi Zushe Wilhelm, a”h, that they are doing exactly what he initiated and did for so many years, with the bochurim learning the entire year’s Mesechta ba’al peh

Rabbi Zinner was impressed how, every year, more and more talmidim would take part in this project and wished them to move forward to the following Yeshiva years with learning more and more.

We wish all these talmidim hatzlacha rabba and that they should continue going m’chayil el chayil, that they should grow to be Lamdanim and Yorei Shamaim, giving nachas to the Rebbe, their parents and Klal Yisroel.

Photo Credit: Tzvi Filler