Tomchei Temimim Announces Captivating Production
Men, women and children are invited to the captivating school production performed by the 7th and 8th graders of United Lubavitcher Yeshiva.
This year’s immersive show “The Intruder” will transport the audience to a dramatic story of our Rebbeim, packed with lessons, songs, drama and humor.
The Talmidim spent their free time during recess and after Yeshiva on this extra-curricular activity, expressing their talents and desire to share inspiration with the community.
This will be the fifth year of their “Generation Seven” productions, continuing off the tremendous success of the previous years’ sold-out productions.
Times and location:
This Sunday (Feb. 13)
5pm and 7pm
At the New Heights Middle School
790 East New York
Guarantee your seat by purchasing it in advance. Previous years sold out.
Reserve your seat at yttl.org/seven