Ahavas Chesed of Crown Heights Inaugurates New Center

Ahavas Chesed has exciting news to share with the Crown Heights community. They have moved from their previous location to new headquarters at 848 Eastern Parkway, on the same block as the Jewish Children’s Museum. Today there was a Chanukas Habeis for their beautiful, spacious new office. Rabbi Moshe Klein, Rabbi Eli Cohen and Rabbi Velvel Farkash and Rabbi Dovid Lieder were in attendance.

Ahavas Chesed is here for the entire community For the past 15 years and they have been the premier crisis medical assistance organization helping those in need with medical referrals, medical equipment and supplies, hospital bedside visits, food coupons for hot meals, emergency financial assistance, medical transportation to hospitals and doctors’ visits, Blood Drives and Convalescent Plasma Drives, home healthcare, Patient support.

The Ahavas Chesed emergency hotline is always available 24/7 at (718) 221-2424. If you wish to volunteer and help Ahavas Chesed in their work, please sign up on their website at www.ChesedCenter.org.