This Is What Happens When Achdus Is Packaged And Delivered

The Mitzvah of Mishloach Manos exemplifies the unity and oneness of the Jewish people. I give to you not because you need it or don’t need it; not because you’re poor or rich; not because you’re hungry or thirsty. I give to you for one reason: because you are a Jew.

Over Purim, the unifying Achdus of our community was demonstrated by the 2,500 Shaloch Manos Achdus Baskets masterminded, orchestrated, and delivered by the Oholei Torah PTA.

Bolstered by a number of volunteer parents (next year, even more!), the entire Oholei Torah PTA worked diligently to ensure that each Achdus Basket was perfectly packaged and delivered on time.

The PTA spearheaded the project and utilized Oholei Torah’s numerous departments to execute this complex initiative with economical precision.

  • Manpower: The 8th Grade bochurim assisted in packing and delivering the baskets.
  • Transportation: Yeshiva buses, vans, cars, and feet helped transport each basket to its intended destination.
  • Logistics: Each block was represented by a block ambassador, who received 2-to-16 boxes, which the ambassador then proceeded to hand-deliver to each address.
  • Variety: 10 unique varieties of Achdus Baskets were produced this year.

The Oholei Torah PTA launched the Achdus Basket initiative close to thirteen years ago. With an ever growing community (K”AH), there was a growing need for a streamlined Shalach Manos solution, whereby many individual families could unite as one to deliver a collective Achdus Basket to whomever they desired.

While the delivery and Mitzvah culminates on Purim, the Oholei Torah PTA works twelve months a year organizing, concepting, and designing the perfect unifying Shaloch Manos experience.

When this year’s Purim ended, the preparation for next year’s Purim began.

On behalf of the entire community, we would like to thank the Oholei Torah PTA leadership, the volunteers, the mothers, the bochurim, the ambassadors, and all of our fellow Yidden, united together as one, Achdus binding us forever.