Menorah Kindled At UN Headquarters
The Isaiah Wall in front of the United Nations Headquarters has become a meeting place this past month of Kislev, as a meeting point for groups who defend human rights around the world.
The prophesy of Isaiah draws independent groups clamoring for respect for human rights and religious freedoms in their countries, to this corner of New York, known for the day when nations will beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hoods; nations shall not lift up swords against nation, neither shall they learn war any more. It is in this spirit that The Institute of Noahide Code, has gathered at Isaiahs’ Wall in front of the UN, to present the First Menorah of Peace Award.
This distinction was awarded to Mr. Geoffrey Davis, alongside his distinguished 94 year old Mother, who accompanied this group of members of the Institute, in the midst of New York’s first seasonal blizzard.
It is true that those who tearfully sow, will reap in glad song. On the first night of Chanukah, members of the Institute of Noahide Code, directed by Rabbi Yakov Dovid Cohen, stood alongside members of Cuban groups who gathered on the 72nd Anniversary of the establishment of the Universal Declaration for Human Rights. Chanukah, the festival of religious freedom, coincided with the secular commemoration of the universal code for human rights.
As a start, Rabbi Cohen delivered a speech to those present, advocating that universal rights are to include, the first declaration of rights, and duties, The Noahide Code. Rabbi Cohen told those present that respect, the right to life and to freedom is due the world over, especially in Yemen, in Syria, among the million of Uyghurs held in China, to Cubans in their quest for freedom for the last 60 plus years, and now especially, in Europe, the challenge to religious freedom of the millennial tradition in Belgium, involving the practice of ritual slaughtering known as Shechita.
Human rights and human freedom to practice a religion are enshrined in the Universal Noahide Code, which is fully covered by Torah. It is the intent of Rabbi Yakov D. Cohen as Director of The Institute of Noahide Code, to continue working in the sphere and realm of the United Nations, to promote freedom of religion the world over, and the duties and rights of nations, to its peoples, to respect their traditions whether as Uyghurs in China, or European Jews in their tradition of ritual slaughter for their food.