Creative Specialty Summer Program Now Available For Pre-Teen Girls

Does your daughter enjoy the arts, creativity and learning new crafty skills? A unique and creative summer program has been launched for pre-teen girls to enjoy their summer regardless of the situation we are presented with.

With summer just around the corner and many camps already announcing their closures, a new and exciting virtual summer program has been developed to give pre-teen girls a fun and productive summer. Camp Crate has designed an incredible program focusing on specialty classes, including watercolor art, cupcake decorating, electrical engineering and much more.

Camp Crate is designed and directed by Aidela Rabiski, a director of multiple after school programs in Crown Heights. As the schools closed its doors, the after school program immediately sprung to action to create a virtual program in a box. With the help of the dedicated after school program team, the program began providing bi-weekly boxes full of supplies and online zoom classes began. After weeks of success, the idea came to mind to create a quality specialty camp in a box for the summer, giving girls an opportunity to learn many new skills and develop their talents.

The eight week program will run from July 6-August 28. Participants will receive a bi-weekly box full of supplies for the classes for the weeks they are registered for. The classes will be pre-recorded classes, (not live Zoom classes), allowing for a more flexible scheduling as well as better quality footage of the classes. Access to the video classes will be provided upon purchase of the camp box.

Instructors for the classes are all experienced, talented, and chassidishe role models for our community. Jewish themed projects and lessons will be woven throughout the curriculum, with most of the classes tying to a weekly theme in pirkei avos and middos, an important curriculum to focus on in the summer months. The instructors will be mindful of participants from all Jewish communities and backgrounds, considering the program to be open and inclusive to all Jewish girls regardless of their prior knowledge and background.

Camp Crate focuses on value and affordability. The program is offering 12 hours of instructional, pre-recorded classes a week for as low as $55.00 a week with the early bird special (available now until June 5th) and $65 a week after June 5th. That is as low as $5 an hour for quality classes and supplies. Parents can choose to sign up for one box (2 weeks) or the full summer.

The program can be used as your daughter’s primary camp, giving her structure for 3 hours daily, or as an additional program. Camp Crate is a perfect supplemental half-day program for campers that are going to be joining other part-time camps. Get a few friends or neighbors together to create a structure and do Camp Crate together.

Camp Crate is also offering special rates to camps and organizations. The program can be purchased as a complete box for each camper and integrated into the camp’s structure, or can be customized to the camp’s needs by purchasing just a few of the project kits.

For more information or to register, visit

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*Early bird pricing has been extended until Friday, June 5th!*