The Jewish Women Influencers Provide A Listening Ear

In times of stress and worry, our Sages tell us, “A worry in one’s heart, discuss it with another.”

Over 40 Crown Heights women will be making themselves available on the phone to listen and lend chizuk.

The following women are available for convos.
*Reach out to us for their contact info.

A. Fogelman
B. Levilev
B. Browd
Mrs. B. Gitlin
C. Rabkin
C. Vaisfiche
C. New
C. Katzman
C. Abelsky
C. Sasonkin
D. Bukiet
D. Tamir
D. Webb
H. Greisman
Mrs. E. Bergovoy
Mrs. E. Lerman
E. Kirshchenbaum
E. Rosen
Mrs. F. Kranz
Mrs. F. Shapiro
Mrs. I. Chazan
Mrs. G. Stolik
G. Barnett
M. Mochkin
M. Friedfertig
Mrs. M. Resnick
R. Holtzman
R. Rothman Gremont
R. Katz
R. Levy
R. Perl
R. Faygen
R. Sperlin
S. Blau
Mrs. S. Blasberg
S. Liberow
S. R. Zirkind
Mrs. T. Simpson
Mrs. Tz. Jacobson
Y. Blachman
Mrs. Y. Groner
Z. Sasson

Disclaimer: The above resource does not replace appointing personal Mashpios as per the Rebbe’s horaa

To find a mashpia go to

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WApp- text “subscribe” to 646-538-3414
Social media- @the_jewish_woman_influencer