Crown Heights Women Take on Marriage Matters at Round Table Discussion
“Revolutionary!״ “Necessary!” “Exceptional!” Are just a few of the reviews so far, and this is just the beginning…
This past Tuesday, forty five ladies in five simultaneous locations around Crown Heights, sat down for a round table discussion on marriage.
The conversations featuring marriage counselors, kallah teachers, mashpios and mental health professionals, were in direct response to calls for Shalom Bayis guidance, especially from women on the Chabad Moms’ Corner Facebook group.
Chabad Moms’ Corner is a private Facebook group, with over 2,400 Chabad women, and a really good representation of Crown Heights women. The group was opened six years ago with the intention to help ladies engage and help one another in all things related.
With so many resources available for those in need in Crown Heights, an admin of the group, Rivky Perl, felt that what was still needed were real live people who could bridge the gap between those seeking guidance and those who could provide it.
Wanting to do something, but not sure what, she went to the Ohel to daven for clarity.
On the way out of the Ohel, the Rebbe was speaking on the video about the mission statement of “Basi Legani”. The Rebbe went into specifics about making a house a into a home, and not just a home, but a garden, a place of joy and delight.
With the Rebbe’s Brachos and with detailed guidance from trusted mashpios and therapists, “A Conversation on Marriage” was born.
Thanks to a dedicated team of volunteers coordinated by Zohar Sasson of the Jewish Women Influencers, the first event came together this past Tuesday evening February 4th. This will iy”H be followed by subsequent events every Tuesday evening of this month.
“Opening our homes and having in-person conversations, can create a secure atmosphere where we can share what’s on our hearts, and receive the guidance we need”, stresses Rivky.
The many treasures in our community are all here for us.
It is empowering and humbling to see just how many people are ready to step up, volunteer, and be there for each other.
Our next step would be to engage more, through videos and articles, Bez”H.
To join a Conversation on Marriage, email or text 646-538-3414
Mental Health Professionals:
Mrs. Gitty Bronstein MS Ed, LCSW
Mrs. Lolita Engelson MFT
Dr. Miriam Gross Psy.D., MFT
Dr. Elka Jacobs-Pinson Psy.D.
Mrs. Chanie Levy LCSW
Mrs. Devorah Levin LCSW
Mrs. Chaya’le Muchnik LCSW
Sophia Ruhama Silverstein Psy.D.
Certified Kallah Teachers:
Mrs. Ahuva Fogelman
Mrs. Chani Goodfriend
Mrs. Hindy Greisman
Mrs. Mattie Hecht
Mrs. Mushky Kotlarsky
Mrs. Ruthie Sperlin
Mrs. Sarah Karmely
Mrs. Bronya Shaffer
Mrs. Shimona Tzukernik
Mentors and Coaches:
Mrs. Sara Blau
Mrs. Shaindel Blasberg
Mrs. Blumi Brook
Mrs. Tzivia Jacobson
Mrs. Rivky Katz
Mrs. Devora Krasnianski
Mrs. Rivky Levy
Mrs. Tzippy Simpson
Mrs. Gitty Stolik
Mrs. Chanie Wolf