Oholei Torah Talent Shines During Menorah Contest
For the fourth year in a row, the creativity and skills of Oholei Torah’s elementary school talmidim shined as they designed, crafted, and built their projects for the annual Menorah Contest. The talmidim, either individually or in groups, worked for weeks to build their beautiful, creative, and meaningful menorah projects from scratch.
The annual event is run by Oholei Torah’s energetic Tzivos Hashem director, Rabbi Mendel Levin, together with his assistant Shneur Krinsky. “It’s amazing to see the ideas and professionalism the students put into this project. Menorahs made out of everything you can think of are displayed” said Rabbi Levin, as he walked past groups of talmidim setting up their projects for display in the grand ballroom.
Each class had a tour of the Menorahs, and a group of judges voted on the top Menorahs from each grade, as well as overall winners from the entire school. The winners were rewarded with Tzivos Hashem “Miles” rewards points, which can be cashed in at the Oholei Torah Tzivos Hashem store.
The annual contest is a chance for talmidim to get creative and express themselves with the talent Hashem has given them, and it greatly adds to the Chanukah yom tov excitement and spirit throughout the yeshiva.
This year’s winners were:
3rd Place: Shmuel Vishedski (Pirsumei Nisa); 2nd Place: Yisroel Heber (Menorah Hachasidus); 1st Grade: Yosef Tevel (Shluchim).
1st Grade:
3rd Grade: Menachem Abraham (Bais Molei Seforim); 2nd Grade: Schneur Bronstein (Hiskashrus); 1st Place: Chaim Tzeiger (boy walking to Oholei Torah).
2nd Grade:
3rd Place: Raitport Brothers (Ten Yad L’beias Hamoshiach); 2nd Place: Mendel Krasik (Tzivos Hashem army power); 1st Place: Blau Brothers (Public Menorah Lighting)
3rd Grade:
3rd Place: Shur Brothers (Al Shlosha Devorim Haolem Omed); 2nd Place: Shmuel Sasonkin (Vhalachta Bdrachov); 1st Place: Yisroel Tzvi Betesh (Mivtzoim Jars)
4th Grade:
3rd Place: Mendel Bronstein and Leibel Vogel (Turning Gashmius into Ruchnius); 2nd Place: Mendel Wolvovsky (Cheder Tzivos Hashem); 1st Place: Yona Ginzburg (Light Up the world with Mitzvos)
5th Grade:
3rd Place: Yosef Weisfish, Moshe Tzvi Heller & Shneur Zalmen Sandhouse (all Shuls connecting to 770); 2nd Place: Levi Altein (The Yidden in the Desert); 1st Place: Mendel Bendet (Didan Notzach)
6th Grade:
3rd Place: Mordechai Ginzburg (Mitzva Tank); 2nd Place: Mendel Pikarski (Lamplighter); 1st Place: Yankel Sassonkin & Avraham Weingarten (Lighting up the World = Moshiach).
7th Grade:
3rd Place: Shalom Ber Raitport (Wood Menorah); 2nd Place: Tzvi Kogan (The Rebbes Nigunim); 1st Place: Fogel Brothers (Light up the World is our Goal)
School-wide winners:
3rd Place: Schneur Edelman (My Missions Menorah); 2nd Place: Mendel Wilshanski (Chidon); 1st Place: Mendel Edelman (A Quest for Oiz)