Live and Learn CH, The “Whats Going On” App For Crown Heights Woman
It’s Tuesday, Yud Tes Kislev, 5780. I want to go to a farbrengen, but I don’t even know what options there are. I thought I’d get a WhatsApp forward or two, and when I bump into my neighbor in the hallway she usually fills me in, but this time nothing–so I stay home.
Live and Learn CH was created by two friends who have experienced the above situation. There are events, shiurim and farbrengens happening on any given night in Crown Heights, but finding out about them is easier said than done.
I’m a Lubavitcher chossid, I know that learning is the only way to stay in touch with my true self. It’s a shame to be sitting at home on a night like this. I’m not motivated enough to open to a sicha and learn it on my own… But really want to learn something. I end up reading the article that my cousin on shlichus wrote for her community. It’s definitely well-written, but says nothing I didn’t already know. I can’t believe Yud Tes Kislev is passing like this, a night like any other.
Enter Live and Learn CH, inspiration in your pocket!
Never miss an opportunity to join a farbrengen or class with all events for women in Crown Heights on our comprehensive calendar. Just a few of the organizations we are collaborating with are Mothers of Crown Heights, Batsheva Learning Center, Jewish Women Influencers, Neshamos and Mikvah.org.
Our wide range of shiurim audios, blogs and online and WhatsApp resources has you covered on all topics, from Kashrus questions to Rebbe videos.
Launched on Tuesday at N’shei Chabad’s Yud Tes Kislev event, www.LiveandLearn.CH continues to be updated almost daily.
Get updates on upcoming events and new content by subscribing online at www.LiveandLearn.CH or sending a text/WhatsApp message to (347) 770-0330. Dedications are available, contact us for more information.
Live and Learn CH is a project of N’shei Chabad of Crown Heights. The website is dedicated l’zchus the continued refuah sheleima for Alte Shaina bas Chaya Mushka.