613Tube Reaches YouTube’s Daily Limit

613Tube is a filtered search engine for YouTube, allowing users to search YouTube in a way that is safer, less cluttered and with no ads.

With a growing user base from day to day, 613Tube reports that their servers were upgraded 3 times in the last 2 years to handle the increasing demand.

This week, the website reached the quota limit set by YouTube of 3,500,000 queries per day. This means that towards the end of the day, users are unable to use the search engine, receiving a message that the service will not work until 12:00am Pacific Time, when the daily quota is reset.

613Tube has reached out to YouTube for a quota increase and hopes that the request will be granted.

In March 2018, Google Inc. removed the 613Tube app from the Google Play Store, claiming that it violated YouTube’s terms of service, but the matter was clarified and the app was restored a few weeks later.

613Tube’s filtered search engine is powered by advanced algorithms and, more importantly, by community contribution. Any search result which slips through the algorithms, can be flagged by the first user to see it and is automatically removed for everyone. Additional algorithms and protocol ensures the community-based flagging system is not abused.

613Tube does not claim to be fully clean or fully safe for kids, but it is a tremendously safer and cleaner way to search YouTube than using the standard YouTube search engine for those who aren’t intentionally seeking problematic content. This is not a replacement for web filters, monitoring and Hashkafic discussions that parents should be having with their children.

The 613Tube app is available on Google Play and the Apple App Store. As well as a Chrome extension and Firefox extension, which automatically redirects YouTube video links to the same video on 613Tube.

Additionally, any YouTube video link can be converted to a 613Tube link by simply replacing “you” with “613”, a feature used by many when sharing YouTube links with others without sending them the YouTube clutter and ads.