Community Turns Out To Learn About Addiction and Narcan
Parents, teachers, and high schoolers turned out last night to learn about addiction and become trained in the use of Narcan. The event, organized by Chani Vogel and the Aleph Institute, in partnership with neshamos.org and Amudim, was the first of its kind in Crown Heights.
The Aleph Institute is an organization dedication to the welfare and wellbeing of those in prison and their families left behind. The event is a project of Aleph’s Project Tikvah division, which helps break the vicious cycle of addiction and incarceration that, unfortunately, many of our youth are subject to.
Community doctor and rofeh yedid, Dr. Eli Rosen, gave the keynote address on addiction in our community and the role each person has to combat it. He explained the root causes of addiction, as well as the physical signs and effects of opioids. Dr. Rosen explained that when our children feel dislocated, they seek to find fulfillment elsewhere. In response, we need to find ways to help them feel fulfilled.
Councilman Chaim Deutsch spoke about the community-wide effects of the opioid crisis and how knowledge and awareness can save lives. Rabbi Shua Brook from the Aleph Institute spoke about the responsibility every person has, as a member of klal Yisroel, to look out for and take action on behalf of those who are suffering. David Kushner from Amudim spoke about overdosing and trained attendees in the use of Narcan. After the event, each attendee was given a Narcan kit to keep with them.
When 400 people turn out for an evening of awareness and prevention, we know that we are on the road to recovery and saving countless lives.
A special thank you to Rabbi Meir New from Neshamos, Hatzalah of Crown Heights, Shomrim of Flatbush and of Crown Heights, Councilman Chaim Deutsch’s office, Gavi Lebowitz from Amudim, Moshe Vogel and all those who made this life-saving event happen.
Photos by Shmully Wolfson