Hilichos Olam Chidon Encourages the Study of Hilchos Tefillin
Halichos Olam is a program for seventh graders to encourage and guide them in the study of Hilichos Tefillin based on the sefer Shvach Yokor. The program was established by the Igud Menahalei Yeshivos of Crown Heights for boys of Oholei Menachem and United Lubavitch Yeshiva of Crown Street with the goal to expand the knowledge of Halacha and Yiras Shamayim of the talmidim in our community.
The program was founded in memory of HaRav Yehuda Kalman Marlow a”h whom the Rebbe referred to as ‘Ish Halacha’ – a man of Jewish Law; HaRav Marlow’s life was dedicated to the knowledge and clarification of Halacha.
Eligibility to be a participant in the Chidon is by receiving above an 80% on written tests throughout the year. Each contestant earns a monetary reward. For 90% the reward is greater.
50 boys participated in the Chidon. The audience of parents, melamdim, community members and fellow students were astounded at the ability of the participants to quote the Halocho almost verbatim.
The event was chaired by Rabbi Hershel Lustig. Rabbi Meir Fischer of Oholei Torah and Rabbi Yosef Wolf of United Lubavitch Yehsiva asked the questions. Rabbi Yosef Simpson – Menahel Roshi of United Lubavitch Yeshiva and Rabbi Hershel Lustig – Menahel Roshi of Oholei Menachem both serve as coordinators of the program together with Rabbi Leibel Newman. Contestants Chanoch Eidelman delivered a D’var Torah and Menachem Mendel HaLevi Levilev recited the Rebbe’s Kapital. Judges were Rabbi Shmuel Hurwitz author of Shvach Yokor and Rabbi Mendel Eidelman.
Winners of the Chidon:
1st place:
Shraga Telsner, Daniel Yisroel Sheiner, Chanoch Eidelman
2nd place:
Avrohom Dovid Wilhelm, Menachem Mendel Karasik, Levi Yitzchok Mavtzikov, Sholom Ber Oster
3rd place:
Menachem Mendel HaLevi Levilev, Yaakov Yehuda Raskin, Shneur Zalman Teichman,
Avrohom Meir HaKohen Zarchi