Bais Rivka High School Lives Yud Shvat
As soon as girls walked into the BRHS school building on Wednesday morning, they were immediately drawn into the Yud Shevat spirit. The lobby was entirely transformed to a gorgeous metallic style garden, displaying the concept of Bosi Legani.
Our program began with a powerful Davening followed by a dramatic introduction video introducing the theme of the day.
Yud Shevat is the day the Rebbe officially accepted the Nesius, which makes us Chassidim of our Rebbe. As Chassidim, the way we connect to the Rebbe is by following exactly what he instructs us too, by making the Ratzon and will of the Rebbe our own.
And the Rebbe made his mission statement for us, what he expects of us, very very clearly-to do all we can and to invest ourselves in bringing the Geulah!
Mission Statement: MOSHIACH!!!
To further explore we then split into four groups, by grade; with each grade having the opportunity to visit one of the four rotations that were set up.
One was a dramatic, rolling game show complete with different questions that girls had to answer competitively.
Then there were comprehensive, fascinating workshops given by girls about Bosi Legani and Shtus D’Kedusha, with the accompaniment of adorably thought out 3D props to illustrate the ideas.
We then moved onto another classroom where we had a heartfelt, empowering farbrengen (complete with food of course;)) where girls got to share and hear from their teachers in a different style.
Another highlight of the day was the long awaited sequel to the film shown on Yud Tes Kislev, packed with comedy, inspiration, and a powerful message.
In the film, called Close to You ll, four girls from a not Lubavitch community have a lot of questions about Chabad but are too embarrassed to ask. They go on a expedition to Crown Heights to get answers, where through a series of strange encounters they discover the ideas behind many aspects in Lubavitch, and how having questions is normal-but there are always answers!
The girls were then provided with many sources to check out on their own to find more information.
Lunch was delicious, and the sight of the entire school singing Nigunim together was really a sight to see. In addition, the lunchroom walls were full of breathtaking artwork depicting the people in our history who drew the Shechinah down yet another level, closer to this world, as explained in the Maamer Bosi Legani. Another wall showed the stories of the Rebbeim-how each showed true Ahavas Yisroel and Mesiras Nefesh for other Yidden.
We then split up into groups again, and designed small wooden boards with our personal mission statement written out artfully.
We had the Zechus to hear from Rabbi Weinstein, and then there was a raffle for every girl who participated in an intense Yud Shevat Hachana, learning 9 sichos from Toras Menachem.
The day ended with an uplifting choir singing “Its after each Farbrengen…Lechaim dear Rebbe I won’t let you down…I’ll do all I can do!”
In the evening, as an u’vichein, farbrengens were arranged for every grade in different locations, where we further internalized the message of the day.
“This Yud Shevat was especially inspiring because the point of our mission statement was driven home so well.” -a BRHS student
“Yud Shevat made me realize how lucky I am to be a Chossid of the Rebbe, and about the responsibility I have because of that!” – a BRHS student
“My whole family is enjoying all the videos and resources you shared for Yud Shvat. I am just amazed at how relevant all of these projects make these concepts. Please pass on my thanks and complements for such incredible material!” -a BRHS parent
Bais Rivka would like to thank Mrs. Teichtel, Rabbi Benjy Stock, Mrs. Sarale Blau, Geula Katzman and the entire Yud Shevat committee: Hodaya Yaghoubian, Chava Hershkop, Zelda Minsky, Mussy Heber, Mussy Weiss, Dina Kuperman, Chavi Swued, Moussia Goldman, Chaya Sara Heber, Menucha Ezagui, Chanie Shachar, Devorah Feiglan, Esty Feldman, Devorah Leah Bankholter, Chaya Mushka Baumgarten, Rivky Berkowitz, Layah Stock, and Baila Spielman.
For investing themselves completely heart and soul into making Yud Shevat in Bais Rivka High School the Farbrengen of a lifetime!