Melbourne Celebrates Siyum Sefer Torah
Young Yeshivah (Melbourne Australia) recently celebrated its second Siyum Sefer Torah, generously donated by Mr and Mrs Michael & Sylvia Goldhirsch, in honour of Sylvia’s parents, Fishel and Basia Bock.
Sunday morning dawned, but not bright and sunny. With strong morning showers, and continuous rainstorms forecast for the entire day, the sky looked ominous and threatening. However, nothing could dampen the spirits of those attending, even as many in the crowd arrived in their rain gear, prepared to march through the rain.
Shortly before the Siyum began, an urgent request was sent to the Ohel for a Brocho that the event be successful. Inexplicably, just as the Sefer Torah was carried outdoors, well-wrapped in a protective plastic cover, the rain tapered off and stopped, and soon enough, the sun came out to shine. The rain cover was quickly removed just as the procession departed the home of Josh & Robyn Goldhirsch. The large crowd sang and danced their way to Melbourne’s Yeshivah Centre, where the festivities and Hakafos continued exuberantly in the main Shul, propelled by the thumping and electric music of the Schnapps Band.
Hakafos was followed by a sumptuous buffet for the adults, with an address delivered by Mr Goldhirsch lovingly describing the legacy of Sylvia’s parents. Simultaneously, a special Tzivos Hashem rally for the children was led by the indefatigable and unrivalled Shimmy Weinbaum, as well as the local Tzivos Hashem director, Menachem Lipskier. As the festivities eventually concluded and it was time to go home, the heavens clouded over. With the onset of rain, the weather finally went back to its regular scheduled programming.
Large segments of the extended community came to celebrate the milestone of Young Yeshivah’s second Sefer Torah, acknowledging its rapid growth and development to date, as well as the continuous contribution of the Goldhirsch Family to all facets of the Melbourne Chabad community. Young-Yeshivah thanks Michael & Sylvia Goldhirsch, Josh & Robyn Goldhirsch, Dan & Perel Goldhirsch, Joel & Devorah Goldhirsch. Special thanks to Rabbi Eli Gutnick (Sofer), Chabad Youth and the Young-Yeshivah leadership team.
Telsner is still there, after all that happened!