770 ‘Kvutzeh’ Poses for Group Portrait

Following a full year of study, the ‘Kvutzeh’ students of the central Yeshivas Tomchei Temimim in 770 posed for a group portrait, along with their teachers and Mashpi’im.

Photos by Sholem Srugo


  • Kvutzah 5777

    Officially Kvutza is a full year it goes from 7th Cheshvan 5777 till 7th of Cheshvan 5778, so they might be having a ceramonial good bye but officially they go till the 7th of Cheshvan then the next kvutzah starts

  • The US / international Bachurim

    The Bachurim from the US, London, Manchester, Paris, Montreal, Melbourne, Sydney, Johannesburg, anywhere else in the world except the HL (Holy Land) leave right when the official year for Oholie Torah & all other Lubavitch Yeshivahs finishes, which means when all the rest of Lubavitch Yeshivahs around the world finish that is @ the end of June only the E”H (Eretz HaKodesh) Bachurim stay through the summer into Elul through Tishrei till they get till Zayin Cheshvan then they leave or continue to stay learning @ 770, that’s if their visas get extended, other than that everyone else leaves

  • Mendy

    Last photo before putting on the army uniform, thanks to havlin – wilshanski….