After a long day of sports, learning classes and other exiting activities Monday, the campers of Gan Yisroel-NY gathered in the shul for their most exciting night activity of the summer yet: a hypnotist show.
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I STRICTLY PROHIBIT MY KIDS TO GET UNDER HYPNOSIS. Because I saw in USSR in several hypnotist shows how hypnotist was convincing people G-d does not exist, without any prior written content. You are giving away your brain to rewire it. Okay fine, may be the guy is honest. But what if he is not careful enough
Confused BT
I was told and shown a letter from the Rebbe, that stated that hypnosis is forbidden, due to the fact you are giving your entire self over to another person. Also the above commentator has a valid point. The question arose about including hypnotherapy in a facility and the Rebbe went on to list the reason why this is not permitted. I will not quote, since I can’t recall exactly.
My question is how come hypnosis shows are being done in camps or chabad houses. I’ve seen this advertised in the past and have brought it up but never got a straight answer. The closest thing I got to an answer was that today, younger shluchim are not as knowledgable. Hence mix events or yoga being held at chabad houses, which the Rebbe did not allow as well. I am BT so I became religious through Chabad house events as well, however they were completely done in a completely tznius and kosher manner. Todays type of events that I have attended honestly make me feel very uncomfortable since it’s the direct opposite of what I was taught. It makes me wonder if what I was taught was an extreme fanaticism or if todays Rabbis are just laid back and lack knowledge
Not trying to be rude, but sincerely do not understand how this is allowed?
just wondering
If the igros sais Hipnotization is not allowed so why are they doing this?
If it’s for Brias HaGuf, to make you feel good, then its a good thing. Besides, where does the rebbeh say it’s forbidden to undergo a therapeutic hipnostic session?
The letter was only in regards to military application of psychological mind control tacticts where the CIA was utilizing “methods” to do some weird stuff… but this is just a show, relax
Hypnosis is very dangerous
Hypnosis is a very scary and dangerous thing. You are allowing another human being to have complete control of you. I know this is in good fun, but I would like to see the Rebbes teach the counselors more of the harmful affects of hypnosis.
My grandmother was a hypnotherapist, I KNOW of the harm caused directly from her ability.
This is very concerning that our children are going off to sleep away camp and we think they are being in a completely kosher environment.
Please learn a little.
I don’t know about you but I don’t need my son coming home sinking his teeth into onions or sleepwalking with his arms out or some other bizzar behavior
Concerned Mother
What is this “Hipnotizing” business??? is this what therapists do??? and what is this sleepwalking thing??? can someone who knows about this thing please explain it to us??? I’m getting worried here.
I hope nobody got brainwashed, or we’ll have to get a note from The D.R. that they underwent successful de-brainwashing…
Ask a rav
There’s a letter in it in the mind over matter book stating the rebbe’s opinion on the matter.
Basically the rebbe was against it because it strips and individual of his free will.
Also anything that has its source from avodah Zara, even if scientifically backed is prohibited. And especially so for entertainment. Just because one has the power to hypnotize does not mean one should. Likewise one may have the power of the occult but it is still prohibited.
Sad some are lacking these basic teachings
My rav asked to observe a session so that he could gain a better understanding what is going on but the Therapist refused saying that instead of observing it’s better to be participating since the trickery should be more affective.
But how is he supposed to participate if he could never be allowed to observe in order to know if it’s Kosher?
This whole thing is spooky if you asked me. And I don’t even know why people have this need to seek out these whacked out touchy feely therapists in order to “feel good” or because it’s “healthy” or something.
Concerned parent!
Is this halachically ok?
Why is this being done in a lubavitch camp?
Can a rav comment on this?
I STRICTLY PROHIBIT MY KIDS TO GET UNDER HYPNOSIS. Because I saw in USSR in several hypnotist shows how hypnotist was convincing people G-d does not exist, without any prior written content. You are giving away your brain to rewire it. Okay fine, may be the guy is honest. But what if he is not careful enough
Confused BT
I was told and shown a letter from the Rebbe, that stated that hypnosis is forbidden, due to the fact you are giving your entire self over to another person. Also the above commentator has a valid point. The question arose about including hypnotherapy in a facility and the Rebbe went on to list the reason why this is not permitted. I will not quote, since I can’t recall exactly.
My question is how come hypnosis shows are being done in camps or chabad houses. I’ve seen this advertised in the past and have brought it up but never got a straight answer. The closest thing I got to an answer was that today, younger shluchim are not as knowledgable. Hence mix events or yoga being held at chabad houses, which the Rebbe did not allow as well. I am BT so I became religious through Chabad house events as well, however they were completely done in a completely tznius and kosher manner. Todays type of events that I have attended honestly make me feel very uncomfortable since it’s the direct opposite of what I was taught. It makes me wonder if what I was taught was an extreme fanaticism or if todays Rabbis are just laid back and lack knowledge
Not trying to be rude, but sincerely do not understand how this is allowed?
just wondering
If the igros sais Hipnotization is not allowed so why are they doing this?
If it’s for Brias HaGuf, to make you feel good, then its a good thing. Besides, where does the rebbeh say it’s forbidden to undergo a therapeutic hipnostic session?
The letter was only in regards to military application of psychological mind control tacticts where the CIA was utilizing “methods” to do some weird stuff… but this is just a show, relax
Hypnosis is very dangerous
Hypnosis is a very scary and dangerous thing. You are allowing another human being to have complete control of you. I know this is in good fun, but I would like to see the Rebbes teach the counselors more of the harmful affects of hypnosis.
My grandmother was a hypnotherapist, I KNOW of the harm caused directly from her ability.
This is very concerning that our children are going off to sleep away camp and we think they are being in a completely kosher environment.
Please learn a little.
I don’t know about you but I don’t need my son coming home sinking his teeth into onions or sleepwalking with his arms out or some other bizzar behavior
Concerned Mother
What is this “Hipnotizing” business??? is this what therapists do??? and what is this sleepwalking thing??? can someone who knows about this thing please explain it to us??? I’m getting worried here.
I hope nobody got brainwashed, or we’ll have to get a note from The D.R. that they underwent successful de-brainwashing…
Ask a rav
There’s a letter in it in the mind over matter book stating the rebbe’s opinion on the matter.
Basically the rebbe was against it because it strips and individual of his free will.
Also anything that has its source from avodah Zara, even if scientifically backed is prohibited. And especially so for entertainment. Just because one has the power to hypnotize does not mean one should. Likewise one may have the power of the occult but it is still prohibited.
Sad some are lacking these basic teachings
My rav asked to observe a session so that he could gain a better understanding what is going on but the Therapist refused saying that instead of observing it’s better to be participating since the trickery should be more affective.
But how is he supposed to participate if he could never be allowed to observe in order to know if it’s Kosher?
This whole thing is spooky if you asked me. And I don’t even know why people have this need to seek out these whacked out touchy feely therapists in order to “feel good” or because it’s “healthy” or something.
Concerned parent!
Is this halachically ok?
Why is this being done in a lubavitch camp?
Can a rav comment on this?
Get the shofar and call attention to this!