Photos: Yeshiva Erev Begins a New Year

Sounds of learning and excitement filled halls of many Shuls in Crown Heights as some 300 students from neighborhood schools joined in the first week of Yeshiva Erev.

Students from 5th grade through 8th take part in learning between the hours of 7:00pm to 8:00pm in Shuls around the community. Fifth graders learn in the Agudah Shul on Crown Street, sixth graders in Empire Shteibel and sevent and eight graders in Shain Shul on Kingston Avenue.

The Yeshivas Erev Yehuda Kalman takes place throughout the school year. Those who attend receive rewards and prizes.

Their timeis spent reviewing Gemara and Rashi, doing their homework with the help of devoted Madrichim, as well as learning Mishnayos, Gemara and Tanya by heart. There is also a Shiur every night on a Sicha of the Rebbe, Halacha and a Chassidishe story. The program concludes with a Minyan for Maariv.

Throughout the week the boys receive raffle tickets for good behavior and learning, and every Thursday night a raffle is made for fabulous prizes and awards. The boys are rewarded for their attendance with a Yeshivas Erev ID card. The card entitles the member to various discounts and rewards in local neighborhood establishments.

During the year, there are different contests and competitions, and a bi-annual Brochos Bee and Shabbos Bee. Participants and winners receive great prizes and rewards.

A special thank you is due to Rabbi Y.Y. Simpson, Rabbi H. Lustig and Rabbi L. Newman from the Iggud Menahalei Yeshivos for their constant support and guidance in bettering our commitment to the community, and to Rabbi Z. Sorkin for coordinating this outstanding program.   A very special thanks to the generous sponsors and local stores for their continued support.

Become a partner! Share the Zechus of Talmud Torah! Become a sponsor! Please call or text Yeshivas Erev at: 978-384-0770 or email:

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