Photos & Video: Benny Rocks YSP
In recent years, YSP has had the privilege of having an exclusive concert from the world-famous Benny Friedman. This year, was no different, and on Wednesday night, the Talmidim enjoyed some intense dancing, as Benny sang everyone’s favorite songs and Niggunim.
After the main dancing, song sheets were distributed, and some of the best camp songs out there were sung with Benny, making it truly an evening enjoyed by all.
Photos by Menachem Aron for
best camp in the USA
YSP is amazing
From a first time mother whose son is having the time of a lifetime/Yasher koach to every staff member who is making this opportunity so incredible for each talmid.
Other Camps Could Learn . . .
I have already sent two sons to YSP b”h, and I am consistently amazed at their professionalism, structure and chassidishe energy. It’s not a chassidishe melave malka–it’s a chassidishe camp! Kol hakavod, and maybe you could give a workshop to other camps how they can get their act together.