MIAMI, FL — Students in the Klurman Mesivta division of Lubavitch Educational Center in Miami's 8th grade were rewarded for their amazing behavior and grades of a Farher by Rabbi Zavdi - the principal.The students were rewarded with a grand overnight and outdoor adventure.

8th Graders Rewarded with Outdoor Adventure

MIAMI, FL — Students in the Klurman Mesivta division of Lubavitch Educational Center in Miami’s 8th grade were rewarded for their amazing behavior and grades of a Farher by Rabbi Zavdi – the principal.The students were rewarded with a grand overnight and outdoor adventure.

Accompanied by their teacher Rabbi Smith, wildlife specialist Ray Chasser, and a few Telmidei HaShluchim they traveled in a a sailboat to an exotic island approximately an hour off the Miami coast.

When they arrived at the island, they quickly unpacked unloaded the boat and set up their tents and bonfire before dark. As night fell, they went fishing. The fish which were caught were cleaned and and grilled for supper. In addition, they enjoyed a barbecue replete with hot dogs, hamburgers, potatoes, onions, and of course marshmallows and songs.

After cleaning up their campsite in the morning, they davened Shacharis by the water and headed back on the sailboat to school. They greatly impressed their chaperon and captain, Ray – himself a Jew, who happily agreed to put on Teffilin when asked.