Manchester Friendship Circle Celebrates Chanukah

The Friendship Circle Manchester rocked the house again with 100 people Celebrating Chanukah together. With Live music and Dancing and of course Latkes and Doughnuts and plenty of food A great night was had by all.

The Menorah was lit by Josh Kershner and The winner of The ‘guess how many driedels’ game was Danjo Barnet from Langdon community.

The Friendship Circle have had a busy Chanukah starting with a Pre-Chanukah Crafts evening where over 80 people tried their hands at 8 different Chanukah crafts including candle making, Driedel decorating, Chanukah card designing and Menorah making. They have also Organized menorah lightnings for the residents of Lagdon community each night of Chanukah with a different activity each night.

The Friendship Circle aim to help people with Special needs make friends and integrate into the Jewish community. They do this with a wide range of programs that take place 4-5 times a week for different groups in the local community ranging from craft sessions and Shabbos meals to nights out and game nights they also run a successful buddy program of course celebrate each Jewish Yom Tov together in style.