Photos: Hundreds Turn Out in Support of Ten Yad

Hundreds of women and girls turned out Sunday night in support of Ten Yad, an organization which helps Kallas. The event was held in the Razag Ballroom in Crown Heights, with a lavish food buffet, an auction viewing capped off by enthralling entertainment.

The emcee of the evening was Mrs. Miriam Swerdlov, and the entertainment was as show titled ‘Shidduch’ which tells the story of an ‘older’ girl who is seeking a shidduch. The show was directed by Mrs. Miriam Handler and had the crowd laughing and clapping throughout.

After the show the auction drawing was held and the winners of the prizes were announced. The full list will be posted on Monday.


  • Brana Shaina Deitsch

    The Ten Yad evening was very special in all areas. Miryam Swerd you were terrific as usual. (no cheesecake jokes?)The skit was suberb in content and in performance. It was so true, it wasn’t so funny. If I win something it will be even more special.But, whatever is in the cards.

  • fixed

    ive been giving hundreds of dollars to ten yad auction for the past few years and i never won a prize, it seems that the same (rich) people win every year.

    i am done giving

    PS i know its for tzedaka but we all give to win as well, otherwise we can all give without the auction

  • Sara

    Thank you Ten Yad for such a nice evening!!
    …It was so well organized and less crowded due to the fact that they organized a nice space for the girls upstairs..
    The play was funny and so enjoyable!!
    I wish Ten Yad much success and strength to continue all their good work!!

  • GITTY SALEK!!!!!!!!!!!!!