119 Pre-1a Students Receive 1st Siddur
119 students in 5 separate classes celebrated receiving their first Siddur along with their parents and grandparents in a series of event over the past few weeks.
Over the past few weeks the Oholei Torah Pre-1-A classes have been celebrating their Siddur Party with their parents, grandparents and friends.
119 Talmidim of the five Pre-1a classes performed wonderfully as they celebrated this milestone. Rabbi Meir Shimshoni, principal of the younger grades, coordinated this annual event and expressed his thanks and gratitude to the many parents who helped him and wished all the parents nachas from their children.
The teachers of the Pre-1a classes are Rabbi Yossi Goldstein, Rabbi Eliyahu Eidelman, Rabbi Mendy Barnett, Rabbi Shmuel Benjamin and Rabbi Chaim Zaetz.
Yiddishe kinder thriving !! beautiful to see….netzach Yisroel lo yishaker vlo yishakeit!!! made our Shabbos..!
shep nachas!!
thanks for sharing
all i can say is kain ayain horah……these precious kinderlach are our future, and will bring moshiach.
Mendel te vi !!!! que le des muchos najes a tus papis .
Rabbi Meir Shimshoni, Thank you so much, we appreciate all your dedicated work. May Hashem bless you and family with only good.