High School Convention Participant Shares Inspiration
A participant in this years High School Convention write of her inspiration, “Tonight, sitting in the ballroom of Beis Rivkah Lefferts with hundreds of other girls my age, I felt the something. That feeling that we young Lubavitch girls can actually ker a velt, can actually make a difference.”
by A Convention Participant
There’s something in the air! Some intangible quality that’s flitting about, floating through Crown Heights, and I can feel it.
Tonight, sitting in the ballroom of Beis Rivkah Lefferts with hundreds of other girls my age, I felt the something. That feeling that we young Lubavitch girls can actually ker a velt, can actually make a difference, can actually bring Moshiach that we truly feel TZAMA LECHA NAFSHI.
As we walked into a beautiful decorated building and saw the logo of convention depicting a lone cactus in a desert thirsting for refreshing water, we realized that we were about to hear, listen, understand, and most importantly internalize the concept of Tzama Lecha Nashi. From the amazing video and Rabbi Levi Shemtov, Shliach to Washington D.C., welcome presentation to the kumzitz with Shlucha Mrs. Yehudis Bluming we felt we were part of a whole. And on an individual basis we focused on the meaning of Tzama Lecha Nafshi in our lives. There was a delicious fresh home baked dessert table prepared by Beis Rivkah girls that we were able to enjoy from. We even wanted more, so we continued to Farbreng with Rabbi Shimmy Weinbaum till late in the night. We spoke and laughed and sang- tonight is the night I will always remember and will make a difference to my connection.
Friday was packed with much Torah and Chassidus. Tzama Lcha Nafshi became a hands on experience. A young women, Malka, currently attending Machon Chana, shared her journey to find the refreshing waters of Torah and Chassidus. Lecha- there were 9 walk through hands on exhibits created by Beis Rivkah students that visually taught us and helped us internalize the Lecha- G-dliness. Then we proceeded to workshops in beautifully decorated classrooms where post-sem girls helped us understand Nafshi, who we are that my Neshama is yearning for the refreshing waters through the essence of Torah and Chassidus.
The sense of Achdus was pervasive as we all stood in a circle, over 850 students joined together and later joined together with a delicious prepared brunch to become re-energized and return home with renewed kochos to take with us.
I would feel kind of sad that this day is over but I know there will be much more in the next 50 hours.
*Please note exhibits will be open for the community on Sunday
3:00-4:15 for women.
4:30-5:00 for men.
deprived californian
Can we plz have some close ups of girls so we can c our friends?
Or is that not tznius
My experience
I came to the convention for afar. I did not know what to expect but honestly, I had low expectations as I expected another disappointment. Okay, I will need to suffer thru preaching speeches from old ladies, alas that is my lot. But then the convention started with this gorgeous girl who looked really with it who got up to introduce the program. She told us we are all sisters, that this is our moment and we own it. Her words had a power I never felt before. Suddenly I felt like I belong. My mind was open and the convention’s program went straight to my heart. I was at home and with family. Thank you all my sisters and especially the big sister – sorry, I do not know your name, but you that taught me that we are all one family.
BRHS Dormie
that was chaya shochat my wesome dorm counsellor
BRHS Dormie
very admirable
That there are no close-up pictures of the girls
so beautiful to see
grateful mom
my out of town daughter is there and i’m so thrilled to see such an amazing program! so glad i sent her!!