Photos: CGI-Parksville Goes Camping
On Tuesday night, CGI-Parksville’s BMD and older division traveled to the Neversink Campsite for a grand overnight trip.
The campers set up their respective campsites, collected wood and prepared the barbecue dinner.
Shortly after the campfires were lit a kumzitz began, complete with a full repertoire of camp songs and niggunim.
Hours later, the campers snuggled into their sleeping bags and tents to catch a little shut-eye.
Dawn break was followed by Shacharis and breakfast, after which everyone headed back to camp. A great time was had by all.
Yosef chaim you rock
What is shmuli klein doing there?
a mentsh
Avrhom Sorkin davening with kavana
Shmuly Klein you look so happy!!
he is the EMT.