CGI Marks Gimmel Tammuz with Trip to Ohel
On Tuesday, Gimmel Tammuz, campers and staff at Gan Yisroel in Parksville, NY spent the early hours of the day on their respective preparations in anticipation of a trip to the Ohel.
In the afternoon, the campers and staff loaded on to busses and made the several hour trip to the Ohel in Queens. The campers, having already written a Pan were given a few short moments to say some tehilim and place their Pan at the Rebbe’s Tziun.
Afterwards, the camp headed to Beis Rivkah in Crown Heights, where dinner was served. The campers united in niggunim and camp songs, culminating in a short address by Rabbi Avrohom Shemtov, director of Gan Yisroel and chairman of Agudas Chasidei Chabad.
go yossi and motty
ur dear friend